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My favorite monster is humanity itself. How dreadful we are! Wonderful too, yet as with everything there is the less than pleasant side. We all have that darkness that we carry deep within ourselves. Some of us choose to lock the cage that contains the beast while others let it prowl freely, whether by choice or by instinct. Thus my obsession with post-apocalyptic settings. What becomes of humanity when pushed to breaking point? All this being said, I do believe in the light of humanity! I believe people naturally want to help others and I will never give up my hope in others. It's a vicious cycle of picking up the pieces and being broken again where people stop believing in others and become part of the problem itself. p.s. Also why Bastille is one of my favorite bands. A lot of their songs address darker themes.
SO im no big video game or horror movie watcher to honestly have a lot of monsters in my mind. so this was a bit of a toughie. i'm going to go with ... wendigos, as they are portrayed in the show. i haven't looked into their origins or other portrayals, but it was the first time i'd ever heard of them in the hearths warming eve episode. thought the idea of these odd little ice horses that use hate to bring forth blizzards was kind of cool! as a bonus, they're pretty easy to disspell as well; which is really a good thing when it comes to any kind of monster.
While I’m not big into mythical creatures, monsters and the like despite a high appreciation for Halloween, I do have a mild interest in ghouls. They are different than ghosts in that they are considered significantly more malicious, feeding off of corpses and robbing graves. Pros of ghouls: • Adds excitement to your life if you live near a cemetery • Plenty of bad horror movies with ghouls to watch • Paralyzing saliva • Cons: • Living in constant fear isn’t everyone’s thing • Not very much good ghoul media • Having face eaten • Stench
My favorite monster is probably Guy Fieri, not only because of his strong anime fighting stance, but because he wears sunglasses on the back of his head. Who does that? Surely, if you ever dress as Guy Fieri or hang up posters with this dreadful creature plastered over the front, you'll scare the souls out of your first born son and he will never be the same again.