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Flitter, flatter, Pitter and patter. 'tis eventide, all must hide. Lock tight your door, tip-toe top the floor. Dim all the light, Nightmare's night. // It's not much cx But it's something. I like to play with words, make the dance across the tongue. Poems are fun but dare I say I may fare better with freeverse. Nonetheless I thought a set pattern would flow better for something like this. //
It was Nightmare Night and Kookyshy was baking some cookies for her daughter Brownie Swirl, who wanted to give the cookies to ponies in Ponyville during the Nightmare Night festival tonight, when suddently she heard a loud scream of her daughter. Kookyshy was shocked and quickly ran into the room of her daugther to look what happened. But once she arrived at her room and couldn't find her daughter the candles in her entire house get blown out by a heavy breeze blowing through some open windows. Kookyshy was worried about her daughter and scared of the scary sounds that came from outside and used her fire breath to fire up a candle and carefully continued looking for her daughter. After she couldn't find her inside the house Kookyshy is headed towards the door and carefully opened it as she got scared to death by her daughter Brownie Swirl, who was wearing a Timberwolve costume and is accompanied by a female Unicorn friend from Ponyville, who helped her to perform a spell for all the scary effects. Brownie Swirl then explained her mother Kookyshy that she just wanted to scare her for Nightmare Night and Kookyshy started to laugh and blush and hugging her daughter and told her that she was scared and worried about her. Afterwards everyone went into her house, where Kookyshy was handing out the fresh made chocolate cookies to Brownie Swirl and her friend, who then went to the Nightmare Night festival and had a lot of fun there together.