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Liath Mac Medb
.Post in A Bonfire Night
Lyle lets the girls have the cookies, he did after all already eat a few. He sets Tera down in front of him and helps her put a marshmallow on a stick, sitting down with her in his lap he instructs her to hold the piece of white fluffy goodness into the fire carefully making sure she doesn't burn herself. She's a good filly but accidents can happen. Smores were good and everything but with his furry fetlocks sometimes things can get in them, and sticky gooey marshmallow is kind of hard to get out of fur. He kisses the head of the blueberry filly while he roasts a marshmallow of his own over the fire, gotta make one with her after all even if it might be messy.
night shade
.Post in A Bonfire Night
nightshade stopped as misty approached him, he had just reached the edge of the everfree forest after leaving his home, he had his saddle bag with him that was full of sweet and savoury foods that he had made. "okay, i hope you find your friend, i will be at the bonfire telling ghost stories with the others, see you later. he then heads to the bonfire and finds an empty section of log to lay on, as he lays down he lets out a relaxing sigh and using his magic, takes his saddle bag off and places it on the grass next to him, he then looks around at everypony gathered there, hoping to see a familiar face
.Post in A Bonfire Night
She eventually retires from stealing Ephee's treats and cuddles up between her sis and Li, grinning. "The smell of wood smoke will always cause love to spring for in my heart, it's a smell of kinship and the will to exist as old as time itself. Every time we start a wood fire, we are doing what we have done from our earliest days of existence, created light and warmth to carry us through the night. And around those bastions of safety, we rally ourselves and draw closer to one another in love and camaraderie..." she says as the flames reflect in her mahogany eyes. "...oh gosh that got philosophical all the sudden. Maybe I should have brought cider coolers..." she jokes as she flattens her ears.