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night shade

Male. Lives in ponyville,  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. 25 years old
2 unicorn and 3 earth pony
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night shade
I have returned everybody
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Polo Fastter
Like July 29, 2024
night shade
*night shade is out in his garden taking care of his plants, his mane tied back at the end* #rp
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night shade
#rp *Night Shade is coming back from sweet apple acres after collecting a cart full of apples*
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Obsilion and others
Obsilion has been hard at work for the past few days. Constant training, planning, upgrades, and building. There is still much to do, but for now, most of it will sort itself out. Though he is rather ... View More
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night shade
#rp *Night Rose is heading to ponyville Station to catch the train back to canterlot*
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Obsilion and others
Obsilion would be at the trian station. He was waiting on Night Rose, wanting to see her off on her way back home to Canterlot.
Like October 18, 2022
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Obsilion and others
He follows her, making sure to grab her bag as he sits next to her. "I just felt the need to apologize." he would tell her as he relaxed in his seat a bit.
Like October 31, 2022
night shade
*the train pulls off on its way to canterlot* "I see"
Like November 1, 2022
Obsilion and others
"...If you're fine with it, I'd like to spend time with you both whenever you're free." He would say to her.
Like November 1, 2022
night shade
*Night Rose nods* "that is fine but I cannot say when that will be"
Like November 3, 2022
Obsilion and others
"Of course. I understand that, love." he smiles at her.
Like November 3, 2022
night shade
*Night Rose smiles back*
Like November 4, 2022
Obsilion and others
"Oh, and about the wolf I met last night...How were you able to keep a timberwolf as a pet? I couldnt even attempt to tame one. Even if I offered meat." he would ask her with a bit of surprise in his voice.
Like November 4, 2022
Air Lightning Rush
*After hours of flying Air finally reaches Canterlot and lanes on the ground tucking her wings back into her sides and sets out to look for the mare named Night Shade…* “I hope I can find her in a p... View More
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night shade
#rp *Night Rose is heading back to the ponyville orphanage to finish of the paperwork to adopt Water Lilly before her home is inspected to see if its suitable*
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Obsilion and others
Obsilion would happen to be walking through ponyville. He is walking bipedal as usual and is wearing his usual standard issue military uniform. He would look down at a notepad he is holding as he walked, seeming to be deep in thought as he scribbled a few notes. Now what could he possibly be doing t... View More
Like October 4, 2022
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Obsilion and others
Obsilion raises a brow at this and slowly steps towards the wolf, trying to put himself between the two
Like October 8, 2022
night shade
*the timber wolf approaches Rose and sniffs her front left leg before giving a cheerful sounding bark and running round her legs, Night Rose smiles at this*
Like October 8, 2022
Obsilion and others
He blinks at this and watches them. "Oh.."
Like October 8, 2022
night shade
*Night Rose laughs as she looks at him* "it's alright my brother owns this timber wolf"
Like October 8, 2022 Edited
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Obsilion and others
"....Yeah...Goodnight..." he nods then turns and walks away. He would glance back at her from the corner of his eye as he walked back towards Ponyville.
Like October 8, 2022
night shade
*Night Rose walks into the forest, soon getting engulfed in the darkness*
Like October 8, 2022
Obsilion and others
Obsilion would go back to doing whatever work he was doing in ponyville, staying up all night to do so. The next morning Obsilion would be waiting at the train station for Night Rose.
Like October 9, 2022
Shifter Burnside
ima in my uniform 2
Like October 9, 2022
night shade
Like October 9, 2022
Shifter Burnside
You wont like the look of it
Like October 10, 2022
night shade
*night rose is on here way to the ponyville orphanage, wearing her royal guard dress uniform* #rp
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Alternate tittle: *The royal princesses hope to create magically augmented super soldiers for the war effort by kidnapping ponies from the orphanage*
Like February 18, 2022
night shade
#rp *nightshade is getting ready wrap up for the day and getting ready to close his pharmacy, the sound of glass lightly clanking against each other and stuff being moved can be heard from behind a s... View More
night shade
// will finally be coming back fully now that everything is starting to settle down There will be one slight change though, I will be add some more characters but will still rp
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Bright Brave
Oh lawd
Like February 15, 2022
night shade
Trust me they will be fun
Like February 15, 2022
Obsilion and others
Like February 15, 2022
night shade
And night rose will make a return
Like February 15, 2022
Obsilion and others
Welp. That's gonna be something. A lot has happened with Obsilion.....not sure how this will go.
Like February 15, 2022 Edited
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