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*Star looked over in surprise when she heard the fountain bubble and erupt, then quickly lit up her horn with a blue glow, casting a small, umbrella-like barrier to help keep her and other ponies nearby from being coated in chocolate* Woah! That sure was close!
Silverspark:took some othe chocolate left over and put them in molds and piece by piece after she ate her chocolate cobob she started making shapes something she seen before with chocolate then soon she started making a figure of the four pony princesses she licked some of the chocolate off her own nose and she found some food coloring for the colors making sure the cutie marks look right and soon ponies were watching this piece of art work she stopped for a bit thinking she is missing something and she started flying really fast and soon there was the sun the moon and a heart and a star and she was done this little filly stood looking at this piece of art she knows she love to paint but sculpting she never thought of even doing
*By the time Skystar would locate Snow and Misty, the agents that Skystar had called would arrived. Among these were Chai, Flashwing, and Kahl.* (Chai) Woah! Looks like something chocolate exploded here. Second-hand chocolate fountain. Faulty parts. Can you guys help with clean up? This fixing is gonna take me a while. Whoever designed this fountain really didn't know what they were doing. (Flashwing) You can count on us. A few friends of ours are coming down from the HQ with new food. Good. *I get back to work as the three got to work on clean up.*