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Silverspark:seeing that enormous cake the kind that would make Pinkie pie proud and Princess Celestia fall in love as she followed the other ponies into the party room for some reason she Flys over and land on Misty's head playfully touch her nose with her little "any party sounds fun maybe but if you want I can help with the decorations "then she went up to Sunny and touch her little nose with hers showing her gratitude
Kadai had most certainly been busy with his guard career and hadn't really been able to make it out.. until now. Free from his duties as both a guard, a husband, and a father.. well, the latter two were a constant, but free from his family, he was able to poke his head into the event to see what was happening and if he was able to pick out familiar faces. He also made it in time for cake! Yay, well not so much the sugar intake, but he'd work it off. There can be a cheat day once in a while, right? Perhaps, but he'd take the piece of cake home for the wife. Instead, the thestral would watch the final moments of the party before it's conclusion. At least it was a beautiful night out.
Snow Storm
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
"Ay! There they are. Pony of the hour. Glad you could put some time aside from your heavy schedule to relax, eh?" Snow Storm flew in from the garden to sit beside Kadai. "Mm, damn good dessert too. Be a sin to miss out on this extreme baking," the little pony got herself a big helping of rainbow cake with a few pieces of strawberry.
Star was beaming with joy after her and Silverspark's photos had been taken, though was a bit surprised by the announcement, as well as Silverspark flying off towards Misty Nights. "O-Oh, be careful Silverspark!" She called out, still smiling as she watched the little filly enjoy herself. "I've gotta say, this is the most fun I've had in a long time. Maybe not the most exciting" She said with a light giggle, thinking back to a few more of her dangerous encounters. "But definitely the most fun for sure. I look forward to the next event, and hopefully I can see more of my friends there too. Including you Silverspark!" She called out once more. "Thank you all for such an amazing time"