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Female. Lives in Elyria,  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on June 7, 1988
Alicorn in secret
Roleplay Availability
About Me
I love role playing and a I am a bit shy but I want to try my best with role plays
Roleplay Universe
Well I do like making up my own characters I
User Achievements
Newmoon Winter
#rp It had been a few hours after the incident with Lil Sapph's alter changeling ego left her for good. I was busy making pizzas for everypony down in my gramps training gr... View More
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Brightspark:just arriving with Both Sunspark and Flurry Heart Brightspark insisted in flying the chariot with her son while Flurry hangs out in the passenger seat Silverspark:sitting outside watching her twin's arrival and see Flurry and Sun she is too sitting her own kids she sat with her daughte... View More
Like July 21, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
Spins was thoroughly beat after several rounds of beach volleyball, having instead pulled out her beach chair. She'd been relaxing ever since, waiting for her date with Pipp. Rain was in the middle of trying to teach herself how to swim. Harmony has had to pull her out seven times now, though it'... View More
Like July 21, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"Yeah, sure. What do you want on your pizzas?" Harmony: "it's clear you're struggling. You still want to do this on your own Rain?" Zidoshi: "sounds like there's a lot of activity coming from out egg." He said as he sat next to his wife holding a small pizza with his magic.... View More
Like July 21, 2024
Brightspark:"you know get me my mother's special "she said "and what ever Flurry wanted once we set her out of the passenger seat "she said Sunspark:gone to the door opening it for Flurry heart "watch your step Flurry "he told her
Like July 21, 2024
*squints* You trying to poison the town?
Like July 21, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"I would never poison Bridlewood. Besides, this is more of a family and friends kind of pizza party. Homemade crust, fresh ingredients, and baked in my brick oven. Want one?
Like July 21, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
A shadowy presence could be seen in the throne room by only the most observant, though all could feel the sensation that something was there that shouldn't be. Before their princess, Silverspark, cou... View More
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Silverspark:head tilting on her throne in her crown and royal collar and well no royal shoes "ahh Aunt Spinny your here and huh I could use a break been trying to keep the peace between different ponies are exhausting especially when the Gala coming and picking out desserts for the dessert buffet it... View More
Like July 6, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Spins giggled, fiddling with Silverspark's crown. "Then a break is just what you're gettin!" She beamed as she leapt off of Silverspark. "You got anythin in mind? I, uh...haven't gotten to spend much time in the kingdom..."
Like July 6, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
continue here "Well, it's either that or you talk to me." Sprout smiled softly at Gusty. #rp
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Newmoon Winter
Gusty: "o-okay. C-c-can I show you something while the other classmates are outside?"
Like June 7, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout nodded. "Of course. But afterwards, there are some questions I need to ask..."
Like June 7, 2024
Newmoon Winter
Gusty: "o-okay." She said nervously. She lets out a sigh before opening her shoulder bag. A tuxedo cat with red eyes crawls out of the bag. Haru (cat speech): "about time. It was very stuffy in there." She said before she started giving herself a cat bath.
Like June 7, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout smiled. "I see!" She looked at Haru. "May I pet you, miss?"
Like June 7, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on a magical carpet and flew to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Silverspark:"awww Nitro thank you you big green good "she giggled
Like June 7, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Welcome to help. Are you going to open the gift?
Like June 7, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would float down to the ground from a parachute. He would smile as he landed.* I finally found you. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find you?
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Silverspark:"well I was in my new kingdom just done with a meeting "said A tall alicorn mare no longer a small filly
Like May 25, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
You have gotten so tall. So, how have you been?
Like May 25, 2024
Bright Brave
Dilly dally shilly shally
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I did this drawing awhile back but I showed this before here is my Filly in a form of a see pony
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Bright Brave
Shoo bee doo....
Like April 1, 2024
La creatura
Like April 1, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
#rp Meanwhile, in the far future... "Alright, Hasen, Comet, I've finally nailed down the year in which magic was restored. Location: Newmoon's training grounds. Next to... View More
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Royal Guard:had a spear out at Sprout "halt who goes their friend or foe to Princess Silverspark and the white Rabbit Kingdom ?"he asked
Like March 23, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout held her hooves up. "F-friend! Friend! Aunt, even! S-Silverspark's aunt! Sprouting Bulb!" She looked around nervously. "Wh-who are you and what are you doing here?!"
Like March 23, 2024
Newmoon Winter
Hasenpfeffer: "what year?" He asked as he nibbled on a carrot. "It's been a while since he passed away...." I said as I sat in the library looking at the photos of me and Argyle, and copies of him and Sunny. My ear flicks. "Seems like somepony is coming..."
Like March 23, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"You know," Comet said, "I have no idea. Mom didn't say the exact year, just that it magic was back." In Zephyr Heights, Spins woke up to her radio alarm in her apartment. "Gooooood morning, Zephyr Heights! The skies are clear, perfect for an early-morning fly--"... View More
Like March 23, 2024
Silverspark, a small filly, walked into your kitchen and replaced the cream filling in your favorite Oreos with a strawberry or banana filling. #rp
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Diamond Tiara
Diamond trotted into her kitchen, looking for a little snack. "Let's see, where's the--Silverspark?!" She tilted her head. "Why are you in my kitchen?! With my Oreos?!?!"
Like March 23, 2024
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Silverspark:"Oh Diamond Tiara um well I thought of putting a new flavored to it rather the filling "she said wings out and horn lit up in a form of a halo
Like March 23, 2024
Diamond Tiara
"...Silverspark, if you wanted some of my Oreos, you could've just asked." Diamond rolled her eyes. "Your aunt is friends with my dad, remember?"
Like March 23, 2024
Silverspark:"Hm the last time you shared something with me it was ask how a small filly close to your age having both wings and the horn that was when I first snuck into the school to get a bit of education when clearly I my self had no idea at first "she said kind skeptical with Diamond
Like March 23, 2024
Shifter Burnside
Like March 23, 2024
Silverspark: was painting smiley faces outside your door, as the small filly thought it would be a fun prank to see your reaction. #rp
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Percy opened their door while Silverspark was painting. They smiled as they saw the filly. "Oh! Hello there! I've never seen you before! What's your name?"
Like March 11, 2024
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Silverspark:jumped back a bit seeing Percy "Oh hello I am a Silverspark your neighbor hood friendly alicorn of pranks and also artist at your service "said the young filly with hood down revealing her horn and opening her wings
Like March 11, 2024
"Alicorn of pranks..." Percy stood still for a moment. "And recorded! Silverspark, alicorn of pranks! What are you up to right now?"
Like March 11, 2024
Silverspark: "I am Just painting smiley faces on other ponies' doors thought other ponies could use a face that smiles after a long winter "she said "I tried painting ono on my mother's bedroom door but it kept vanishing "she
Like March 12, 2024
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