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Dread Step
.Post in Pantheon [OOC - Voiced]
We all know how Equestria was united. Hearthswarming brings with it a message of unity that the masses adore: The three tribes overcoming their suspicions of one another and defeating the wendigos together. Historians, as they often do, would inform us how much more complicated that fateful night was. Indeed, it was the very thing that helped form the tribes in the first place that made them tricky to unite: Religion. The three tribes held a variety of deities to worship yet, all too often, your tribe determined who you follow. Earth Ponies had near universal praise for the Black Goat: the god of fertility and family. Most had little time for any other gods. Unicorns were more varied with their artisan workforce having more time to devote, but tended to gravitate to Dionysus: The god of feasting and the arts. Pegasi, so eager to bolster their own glory, would have the most even spread of worship across the pantheon. Some even went so far as to worship the nature gods, whom you would know as wendigos. Even the pegasi had their favorites though. Many among them would call upon Shu Da Mel to bring death to their enemies and commemorate their fallen. It would all lead to a trying time reconciling these differences. The leaders historically were much more cynical toward the pantheon and their superstitious subjects, but even they would find themselves bickering over faith on the first Heathswarming. Although, we all know how that day ended. However, a nation does not change overnight, and it would be the proceeding era that would prove most critical for the growing superpower of Equestria: The Cataclysm. The gods are of little help. They have grown complacent with their near-guaranteed supply of followers and are not happy now that the old days, when they had to work hard to impress their mortal followers, seem to be coming back. This is where you come in. Chancellor pudding head has passed to join Shu Da Mel’s great mausoleum. All are invited to attend Shu Da Mel’s celebration to remember all the good she’d done in life and to wish her a peaceful rest. Your actions in the new era will shape the next, and historians may remember you for your critical roll in what is to come and the reconciliation of the inharmonious gods. All of this with the horrors of the wendigo invasion of frost and famine fresh in your mind. Welcome, one and all, to the aftermath of Hearthswarming. Welcome to The New Pantheon! ~***~ Wow, that was exciting, but what's with the 'Voiced' in the title?: This is a Role Play like any other, but instead of acting it out over text, we use a voice chat to portray our story. The RP has a dedicated Discord server where we meet every week for a session. Interesting... but why?: I believe there is a lot that can be lost over text, and voice chat can help convey the more subtle parts of English communication. Beyond that, there is a more important advantage: instant feedback. Let's say you tell a joke in your RP. In the written format, text does a horrendous job of conveying other people's reactions, and there is often a wide delay between when you post and when the other person reads it. Over voice, you hear the reaction and can instantly tell how your joke was received. This can do wonders for a tone, and help people keep their comedic streak if that's the kind of character they want to play. Alright, the fact I'm still reading should tell you that I'm still interested. What do I need in order to play?: All you need is a microphone that we can understand you through, a Discord account, and a character to submit. Create your character (or use one you've already created), describe it (or link to it), and post it here. If it interests me, then I'll DM you a link to the server. Okay, but you said welcome One and all in your description, but I don't have a microphone/my character wasn't accepted. What gives?: That's a pretty strong point, but my welcome was really an in-universe welcome. If you can't get inside the universe, then there's nothing I can do. I'm sorry, you're on your own at that point. Okay, I've gotten into the universe, but I'm confused. You said I was in the underworld, but where's Cerberus? He's in the picture. Did you lie to me? How could you?: That's my fault. That picture was sitting on my computer for a while and I forgot the source. It looked cool, so I used it, but it's not my art (as if I could make something that good). But no, Cerberus isn't around yet. He shows up a while after the story. So, if you really looking forward to Cerberus related adventures, then I'm really sorry. I falsely advertised that. I'd tell you to look for a RP that does have Cerberus, but I don't see any of those around, so your out of luck there. Sorry again. Anyway, that's Pantheon! Make sure your weekend's free, and don't forget to bring your microphones.
Welcome to this year's Nightmare Night Roleplay Event! We are so excited to have a relaunch of our PR team with a new event that we know you all will enjoy. This year we have chosen to start simple, so this year's event there will not be a competition of any kind. Simply, we have chosen to do a Nightmare Night Festival RP event, in which the only requirements we have to receive our participation badge, is that you read through our initial prompt and choose your own path out of the descriptions provided in said prompt and reply to the thread with a roleplay post, which must contain some form of ending in it. You can make it as long as you so desire, however, entries that seem to be incomplete will not be considered for a participation badge. Putting in the effort is key! Once you have read the prompt, we require that you copy and paste our starter into your post, to help us see which direction you have taken with your post, and as well as to make your post be more cohesive, rather than just having a post with a continuation with no prior context attached. Here is the event prompt: "You feel it in the air - spookening is upon us! As you venture down the leaf-covered road, a tingle slithers down your being as the surrounding forest gives way to a more rural-looking landscape. Pausing, you take it in - the vast swathe of dilapidated farmlands, overgrown cornfields, the dusty dirt path leading onto the property, and up to...a massive, old-era manor house. The property’s very presence is noticeably heavy, but not unpleasant, given the time of year and your desire to experience something scary, and it appears you’re not alone! The curiosity grows as you notice it. In the rugged courtyard, groups of ponies move about, going in between set up game booths ranging from apple bobbing to haybale tossing. A few others calmly enter and exit the cornfield to the left, confirmed by the occasional heads of jumping ponies peeking over. Still more enter, and run screaming out of, the looming manor beyond. Taking in the vast selection of attractions, you come to the realization that anyone would marvel at just how broad of a setup this haunted house truly has. So many choices for the scariest of nights!" This event will begin today, ending on the 1st of November at 2:00 AM Central Time US. Please ensure to adjust for your own time zones. As a tl;dr To get a participation badge for the event, you must: -Read the prompt -Choose an activity from the prompt (Or do all activities if preferred) -Copy & Paste the starter INTO the reply box for this thread -Add the rest of your story to the post you will be submitting (Must include an ending) We hope that you have a great time and we look forward to seeing your posts!
"You feel it in the air - spookening is upon us! As you venture down the leaf-covered road, a tingle slithers down your being as the surrounding forest gives way to a more rural-looking landscape. Pausing, you take it in - the vast swathe of dilapidated farmlands, overgrown cornfields, the dusty dirt path leading onto the property, and up to...a massive, old-era manor house. The property’s very presence is noticeably heavy, but not unpleasant, given the time of year and your desire to experience something scary, and it appears you’re not alone! The curiosity grows as you notice it. In the rugged courtyard, groups of ponies move about, going in between set up game booths ranging from apple bobbing to haybale tossing. A few others calmly enter and exit the cornfield to the left, confirmed by the occasional heads of jumping ponies peeking over. Still more enter, and run screaming out of, the looming manor beyond. Taking in the vast selection of attractions, you come to the realization that anyone would marvel at just how broad of a setup this haunted house truly has. So many choices for the scariest of nights!" *PB would be dressed up in her knight costume she had on hoof at home and had gone with her best friend Marshmallow Shine, a baby dragon who looked dressed as a witch. They decided to go to the haybale tossings as they wanted to avoid the haunted house due to the criticism they'd probably give on it for realism. PB had joined in the haybale tossing as she kept tossing higher and higher until she couldn't anymore and hit the bar barely missing her face when it landed. Once done then Marshmallow and her went to the cornfield. They entered the maze talking about their lives and days as they kind of got lost before finding their way out. They stopped part of the way to the area for apple bobbing to ease Marshmallow's head on the mental map of the corn maze that she made after they left. When Marshmallow was ok PB was given a dare to see how many apples she could bob for compared to a normal mare. In the end the two were kicked out of the property for bobbing too many apples and nearly ruining the fun for other ponies and creatures around.*
You feel it in the air - spookening is upon us! As you venture down the leaf-covered road, a tingle slithers down your being as the surrounding forest gives way to a more rural-looking landscape. Pausing, you take it in - the vast swathe of dilapidated farmlands, overgrown cornfields, the dusty dirt path leading onto the property, and up to...a massive, old-era manor house. The property’s very presence is noticeably heavy, but not unpleasant, given the time of year and your desire to experience something scary, and it appears you’re not alone! The curiosity grows as you notice it. In the rugged courtyard, groups of ponies move about, going in between set up game booths ranging from apple bobbing to haybale tossing. A few others calmly enter and exit the cornfield to the left, confirmed by the occasional heads of jumping ponies peeking over. Still more enter, and run screaming out of, the looming manor beyond. Taking in the vast selection of attractions, you come to the realization that anyone would marvel at just how broad of a setup this haunted house truly has. So many choices for the scariest of nights! Sivanro and Sheep decide to go to the mansion for this was their first nightmare night event they have ever seen. "So what I heard from Polo is that every year most species celebrate some sort of scary event during the end of October." Sivanro said as he walked to the front door and opens it for Sheep only for a fake cutout of a ghost to cause Sheep to get frightened before Sivanro rolls his eyes and walked in. " Really, they couldn't get some one in a zombie costume or use an illusion spell to make it seem more living?" Sivanro said as Sheep walked closely to him as someone in a a suit of armor tiphoof behind them before taping Sivanro on the wing then, within a few second the person remove the helmet showing Needle Thread chuckling in silence for he is mute. "Hey dude don't touch the wings." Sivanro was about to swing before a photo of Needle Thread and Polo together at the costume shop with the words 'thanks for the photo cousin' in Polo hoof writing. "OOOOH your the person that helps with my dad clothes, how are you doing?" Needle Thread smiles and shakes his head up and down like he was enjoying seeing some of his costume being used. A few minutes later, all three of them walked upstairs as Sheep had part of the carpet in it mouth actively chewing on it. "I would of put on a costume but, no point when me and Sheep look weird enough and also don't want to have people ask what I am dress up as." They travel most of the manor as Sheep was falling for a few jump scares as, Sivanro smiled from the attempts while Needle silently laughs a bit from how Sheep is reacting. The group made it to the back of the manor as Sheep was shaking in fear before Needle gave it a pat on the back causing Sheep to relax a bit from the manor. "Well, this is a fun holiday maybe next year we can hang out at the shop." The moment Sivanro said that Needle eyes light up with joy as he shakes his hoof and walked to one of the stands. Sheep started to fall asleep as Sivanro put it on his back and headed home The end