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"You feel it in the air - spookening is upon us! As you venture down the leaf-covered road, a tingle slithers down your being as the surrounding forest gives way to a more rural-looking landscape. Pausing, you take it in - the vast swathe of dilapidated farmlands, overgrown cornfields, the dusty dirt path leading onto the property, and up to...a massive, old-era manor house. The property’s very presence is noticeably heavy, but not unpleasant, given the time of year and your desire to experience something scary, and it appears you’re not alone! The curiosity grows as you notice it. In the rugged courtyard, groups of ponies move about, going in between set up game booths ranging from apple bobbing to haybale tossing. A few others calmly enter and exit the cornfield to the left, confirmed by the occasional heads of jumping ponies peeking over. Still more enter, and run screaming out of, the looming manor beyond. Taking in the vast selection of attractions, you come to the realization that anyone would marvel at just how broad of a setup this haunted house truly has. So many choices for the scariest of nights!" Anarchy decided to just make her own fun and add a little chaos to the mix to the surprise of literally no pony. After doing that she promptly disguises herself as a regular pony and joins in the festivities from doing the apple bobbing then tossing some haybales around. As for the chaos she added, she simply added a few living cardboard zombie ponies to chase around most of the other ponies there as she figured it was funny. It didn't take long for her to be discovered and because nobody wanted to feel her wrath by kicking her out they were forced to let her be...
You feel it in the air - spookening is upon us! As you venture down the leaf-covered road, a tingle slithers down your being as the surrounding forest gives way to a more rural-looking landscape. Pausing, you take it in - the vast swathe of dilapidated farmlands, overgrown cornfields, the dusty dirt path leading onto the property, and up to...a massive, old-era manor house. The property’s very presence is noticeably heavy, but not unpleasant, given the time of year and your desire to experience something scary, and it appears you’re not alone! The curiosity grows as you notice it. In the rugged courtyard, groups of ponies move about, going in between set up game booths ranging from apple bobbing to haybale tossing. A few others calmly enter and exit the cornfield to the left, confirmed by the occasional heads of jumping ponies peeking over. Still more enter, and run screaming out of, the looming manor beyond. Taking in the vast selection of attractions, you come to the realization that anyone would marvel at just how broad of a setup this haunted house truly has. So many choices for the scariest of nights! Dragonfly having been off world doing deliveries during the time of Nightmare night had never experienced one of the Nightmare Night festivals held during the time of the event. He wanted to first watch and get a feel for what the night was about and how it was celebrated before participating in any of the activities. He watched as ponies ran out of the manor screaming and giggling and wondered why they thought it fun to be scared. He watched them walk away from the game booths with prizes after doing various activities, it looked fun but he didn't have a need for ay stuffed animals. He would find the cornfield maze interesting and would decide to enter. He had only ever heard of mazes, even back home on his planet. Back home they were used as security for prisons so it interested him that one would be considered fun to navigate here in Equestria. He would step through the marked entrance and start to get lost in it trying to find the exit. He was tall enough to see over easily but he would duck his head down a but to keep it fun and not cheat. He knew he could hug a wall but that would be too easy, his reasoning for getting himself lost initially. He would take turn after turn keeping track in his head where he went. He would smile at the ponies passing him, a few asking for help to see the exit and some running thinking he was part of the attraction. He would eventually find his way out of the maze with a big smile. He really enjoyed it and was glad he decided to take part in the activity. He was even more excited to go do all the other activities and happily did so, enjoying all that Nightmare Night had to offer.
You feel it in the air - spookening is upon us! As you venture down the leaf-covered road, a tingle slithers down your being as the surrounding forest gives way to a more rural-looking landscape. Pausing, you take it in - the vast swathe of dilapidated farmlands, overgrown cornfields, the dusty dirt path leading onto the property, and up to...a massive, old-era manor house. The property’s very presence is noticeably heavy, but not unpleasant, given the time of year and your desire to experience something scary, and it appears you’re not alone! The curiosity grows as you notice it. In the rugged courtyard, groups of ponies move about, going in between set up game booths ranging from apple bobbing to haybale tossing. A few others calmly enter and exit the cornfield to the left, confirmed by the occasional heads of jumping ponies peeking over. Still more enter, and run screaming out of, the looming manor beyond. Taking in the vast selection of attractions, you come to the realization that anyone would marvel at just how broad of a setup this haunted house truly has. So many choices for the scariest of nights! Dolly and Maishi (dressed as Little Red Riding Hood & the Big Bad Wolf respectively) had been taking a stroll through the forest, a small picnic basket balanced on Dolly’s back, secured with a strap and a saddlebag on the other side. Maishi was laughing about something when they both stopped and stared at the scene in awe. How’d they get here? Maishi turned to glance back at the forest behind them, before turning back to Dolly and grinning widely. “May as well join in the fun, right?” Dolly nods, starting to walk forward with Maishi behind her. They stopped at the game booths, and Maishi won at some of the games, giving Dolly the prizes won. Ranging from a goldfish to a somewhat large stuffed animal (a manticore), a few small plushies (a parrot, a Ursa Major and Minor, and a very small, comical looking narwhal). As well as other assorted small prizes. All except the large prizes were placed in the empty saddlebag, and Maishi carried the manticore. They decided to enter the corn maze, where they got lost several times. Dolly getting scared of the jump scares, and sticking close to Maishi’s side. When they got out, they were getting weary, and decided to rest at the edge of the activities and stargazing. —end—
You feel it in the air - spookening is upon us! As you venture down the leaf-covered road, a tingle slithers down your being as the surrounding forest gives way to a more rural-looking landscape. Pausing, you take it in - the vast swathe of dilapidated farmlands, overgrown cornfields, the dusty dirt path leading onto the property, and up to...a massive, old-era manor house. The property’s very presence is noticeably heavy, but not unpleasant, given the time of year and your desire to experience something scary, and it appears you’re not alone! The curiosity grows as you notice it. In the rugged courtyard, groups of ponies move about, going in between set up game booths ranging from apple bobbing to haybale tossing. A few others calmly enter and exit the cornfield to the left, confirmed by the occasional heads of jumping ponies peeking over. Still more enter, and run screaming out of, the looming manor beyond. Taking in the vast selection of attractions, you come to the realization that anyone would marvel at just how broad of a setup this haunted house truly has. So many choices for the scariest of nights! Aset looks over the surroundings, with a twitch of her eye. Unlike the ponies, she isn't there for the attractions, no. In fact, she was sure there would be nobody here. She is there for one thing only, a magical artifact hidden within the basement of the mansion. It seems that ponies, however, decided to turn the place into a festival of some kind. Aset doesn't have much knowledge of pony traditions, so the sight is rather confusing, to say the least. But, as much of a bother as this is, it seems a lot of ponies are in all kinds of costumes, dressed as monsters, ghosts, and who knows what else. There is some luck in that situation then, as she needs not to worry about someone recognizing what she actually is. To ponies tonight she is just another dressed up pony. The mansion, then, is what she heads towards. She walks in, along with some ponies, and ventures into the dark and 'spooky' corridors of the mansion. Aset has spent most of her life in a pyramid, filled to the brim with traps, so she hardly found the place scary. At least, until the first spook. As what seems to be someone dressed as a monster jumps out at her from the shadows, the sphinx lets out a high pitched scream and freezes in place. Almost firing up her magic in defense. She does calm down in time though. With a huff, embarrassed and with a racing heart, she picks up her pace to get to the artifact. A few scares later she makes it to a section that seems to be closed off by a locked door, with a rather weak magical seal on it. The sphinx makes it through relatively easy, now being alone. From here the route is quite simple. She already knows where the artifact is, so Aset quickly goes in that direction. This section of the mansion has some more spooks as well, except those ones are real. She goes through arrows shooting at her, blades almost cutting her, and similar traps. Those don't scare her much though, Aset knows these kinds of traps too well. She makes it to the artifact in no time, snatches it and proceeds to make her way out. Aset does lock the door behind her, just so that no pony would go there on accident. She can be heard screaming once or twice more before finally she exits the building, holding onto her artifact tight, as if it can provide any sort of comfort. She stands there for a moment, to calm down. Eventually, with the artifact in paw, she heads back to her home. But as the sphinx finally fully calms her nerves, she has to admit, overall the experience was quite fun. She is not very into pony traditions, but it has been a while since she was properly scared. She has what she came here for, and as a bonus the mansion was a thrill, she has to give them that. Perhaps next year she would do it again, this time purely for fun.
Icy feels it in the air - spookening is upon us! As she ventures down the leaf-covered road, a tingle slithers down her being as the surrounding forest gives way to a more rural-looking landscape. Pausing, she takes it all in - the vast swathe of dilapidated farmlands, overgrown cornfields, the dusty dirt path leading onto the property, and up to...a massive, old-era manor house. The property’s very presence is noticeably heavy, but not unpleasant, given the time of year and her curiosity in experiencing something scary, and it appears Icy's not alone! The curiosity grows as she notices it. In the rugged courtyard, groups of ponies move about, going in between set up game booths ranging from apple bobbing to haybale tossing. A few others calmly enter and exit the cornfield to the left, confirmed by the occasional heads of jumping ponies peeking over. Still more enter, and run screaming out of, the looming manor beyond. Taking in the vast selection of attractions, Icy comes to the realization that anyone would marvel at just how broad of a setup this haunted house truly has. So many choices for the scariest of nights! She wasn't normally one for crowded areas- fearful for the safety of others should she be around them- but this holiday lessened that fear enough for her curiosity and interest to overtake it this day. She had yet to finish the last touches of her toaster costume, so with her magic she made a costume of pure woven snow. Quickly, she became the absolute epitome of a snowpony. Her magimechanical wings hidden underneath the costume. Quickly taking out a couple of pieces of coal from her pocket dimension, she carved vision glyphs into them and put them over her eyes. Smiling- an action mimicked by the costume- at the quick but well done costuming job, she proceeded to the festivities. She definitely /tried/ to corn maze, but... It was honestly a little to easy for her. It felt like navigating her magic through one of her glyphic arrays, but much easier, and she only took fifteen minutes to make it through. She thought maybe she was going through a little fast, but she couldn't help it. Going a few levels up, she went into the haunted house. Almost every turn of the halls made her want to take off, but she was determined to keep her wings to her sides and make it through. At least until she felt a pulsing against her conscious mind. A primal, defensive side of her. Sleet. She ignored it for a while, though, desperate to prove to herself she could do this /as/ herself. But halfway to the exit, her tail- the only part of her outside the costume- was barely on the verge of ethereality. Portions of it shifting between shaped blizzard and actual /tail/. She knew that she wouldn't be /Icy/ for much longer, feeling Sleet pushing in, and so she ran to the nearest emergency exit. She was so disappointed as she flew off away from the festival, but this was only the first year of her doing things for Nightmare Night since she left her hometown! There was always next year, yeah?