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.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
After hearing the announcement and the chit chat that ensued, Comp would emerge from the dust of the arcade wing after completing his highest scoring round of Dig Dug ever only to announce, "Why hasn't anypony else supported the pineapple idea yet?!"
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
"What's a Pizza ?, Something that mutated Turtle ponies named after famous ponies with ninjna weapon's and have a Rat parent ?..........That was oddly spefific. Anyhow I'll have something with cheese as a base, Cooked then have a Organic Apple sauce spread across it with lettuce with carrot's, Then baked again." The ling spoke out of nowhere as He was busy floating across the ceiling.
Silverspark:"you know every pony have their taste and opinions s of the pizza or any other kind of food though some might be weird to others as long the pony or creature like the food they eat I mean pineapple does good on a pizza with ham and bacon but that is just so what if one like something differently it is that ponys stomach and who are we to judge what others like ?"said the small filly who jumped on a table to be notice and possibly heard
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
Nyteshado slips in quietly wearing a simple Musou black hooded cloak with the hood down. His horn and hooves painted to perfectly match the cloak. He moves over to the snack table and collects a couple snacks before moving into a position he can better observe all the other creatures.