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Thread: A Bonfire Night
Misty Nights (PR)
The sun had set below the horizon, darkness enveloping the clear, open sky. It was a very cool summer night in the open field, stars twinkling overhead. Misty was looking on at the bonfire that she and her friends had started not too long ago. The flames crackled and flowed up into the air above, performing a very intricate dance of orange light. All around her, she could hear busy conversations, laughter, and the excitement of s'mores being made. However, as she looked around, she noticed that her best friend was nowhere to be seen. After a moment or two, Misty approached you with a smile,
"Hey, I'm going to look around for Sunny, I'll see you in a bit okay? I think the group over there is taking turns telling ghost stories if you're interested. We even have haydogs and s'mores at the ready too! I'm sure you could find some of your friends around if you look for them." she nodded before heading off in a different direction.
Topics: summer nights
Last update on June 30, 9:13 pm by Frosty.