Hello gentlemen and gentlemen that pretend to be ladies. I’m adding another entry into CA’s most popular OC rating thread today out of sheer kindness of my heart. I mean, not really - I’ve actually been just doing more productive things than this shit and I couldn’t be arsed to rip apart your shitty OCs. NAMESEXSPECIESHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. BODY COLOURMANE COLOURImagine having hair that’s both red and red. EYE COLOURYour picture tells me your eyes are fucking purple, but I’m willing to let it slide given that Blue/Red make purple anyways. Also if you try and pull that Heterochromia bullshit I will literally open palm smack a squirrel.
Mixing primary colours is a fucking no-no. Pick one, or none. Two or more just makes me want to kill myself. Though I want to give you props for having your primaries be a different colour on the tip, I want to shank you as well for having a unicorn horn and wings exist on the same corpus. The term mutually exclusive is in play here, and your Alicorn OC is an affront to the natural order. Pick a team, one or the other. FOALHOODThis paragraph is an absolutely fantastic example of giving only examples of things that people don’t give a shit about. I don’t give a shit about whether she liked the job of her parents, and that she decided to do something similar. I want to know WHY. I want to know WHY she made the friends and enemies that she did. What part of her personality encouraged her to be friends with person A vs person B? I want to know what her motivations were to help her friend out of her relationship issues, I want to know what kind of life experience she drew to give the comfort and support that she did.I want to know what about counselling spreads love because the only counsellors I have gone to see have told me that my ‘boyfriend’ is filing a restraining order and my parole officer telling me that I missed my court date. I swear to fucking god I hope you all learn not to make stupid pointless general statements like thisThat is boring! Super boring. Obnoxiously boring. Do you want to waste people’s time with something boring and pointless? I think not. Put some fucking effort into your OCs.CUTIE MARK
Heart Container
Dark Red/Light Red
Heart's childhood was pretty average. She was born into a working class family as a pegasus. Her parents owned a counseling business, in which they helped other ponies with any types of issues. Heart grew to like the type of job her parents were doing and pursued in their foot steps. Because her family didn't have a lot of money, she didn't go to any fancy private schools or anything, but she did make new friends along the way and enemies too. Her childhood was pretty good overall. She got her cutiemark after helping one friend of hers with a relationship issue, which is then when she realized that her talent was to help ponies with relationships and spread love.
she realized that her talent was to help ponies with relationships and spread love.
Heart's childhood was pretty average.
A blue heart
One time, a friend of hers was having an issue with her relationship. Her friend was considering breaking up with her coltfriend, as she was feeling like the love for him had faded away. Heart Container spent a lot of time working with her friend, giving her advice on many different things she could try to light up the flame again. Eventually, after many sessions of work and advice, she achieved the goal of saving the relationship. At that point her curiemark appeared right in front of her friend.
She is loving, caring, stern, extrovert
Flowers, walks, music, children, stallions, mares, candy, apples, games, parties, sleepovers, personal space, reading, quiet places, sleep
Rudeness or disrespect, spiders, sour candy, cheaters
Unfortunately, I do not have Heart's detailed story, as I lost it with the Squares and was unable to retrieve it from Wayback Machine. I can't find my profile