There you go, two posts on the same day. I spoil you guys too much. Time to go to sleep and wake up 9 months later. Fuck off. NAME COLOURClose your brackets you absolute MONSTERMANE COLOURBlack’s a shade so your statement is redundant.EYE COLOUR
God that scarf makes you look 11 shades of hipster smug and I hate it. FOALHOODI’m going to put exactly as much effort as you put into your description into my response. CUTIE MARK
" alt="" class="parsed_image" /Brody Dusk
Pony - Pegasus
White Cream (#FCFCF
Emerald (#09F900)
Born in Trottingham and loved the music that came out from the city. after his development of his intrest in music he went through grade school at a academy in the far east, taking enjoyment in music, kendo, and reading.
Red Stratocaster (#C12206) cant find the old file
When he was 7, he gave a small family concert while his uncle was in town. He borrowed his uncle's stratocaster and amp to play and began playing. As he was playing, the mark appeared.
He is extremely extroverted. He can start up a conversation about anything. He lacks a bit of a filter between his brain and mouth and can end up rambling or saying some odd stuff. He is extremely hyperactive and always must be doing something, whether it be fiddling with something, tapping his hooves, or twitching his ears. He can’t multitask, but he works when he’s focused in on one thing. Generally happy and positive so there is a smirk on his face most of the time.
He can’t multitask, but he works when he’s focused in on one thing.
Guitar, Koto, Sawdust, and coffee with more cream than actual coffee
Grannysmith apples, tuning instruments, and grainy textures
tuning instruments
Making instruments and playing those same instruments, Kendo,
Brody was born in the old mining city of Trottingham. His mother Azure and father Shiloh raised him up there for the first part of his life. His mother and father both worked as instrument repair ponies, fixing almost every instrument brought to them. His first home was a decently sized cabin in the wooded area outside of town with a work shed in the back yard. The Cabin was large enough to fit them all and was extremely nice. His room was on the top floor (2nd floor) of the cabin where he was able to climb through a window and sit on the roof during starlit nights. The town was prominent for its raw resources, but with the many ponies that came, music followed. While the northern region of the city was more original-mining-town, the southern was artsy and filled with music and colorful scenes. He loved music as a kid, especially string instruments. His first instrument was a ukulele, due to his small size as a child. He couldn’t play or hold it properly, but that didn’t stop him from trying to play.When he was 6, his family took him to a far eastern land, close to the outlands, to experience the culture. It was to be a vacation, but an interest from the whole family took hold of a new endeavor. The ancient culture was full of sounds and activities he dearly loved. His parents had decided that there was ample money to be made there, renovating and fixing old and broken instruments and they settled down there for a bit. Brody became integrated with the language and the music. He was schooled and took part in several of his academy’s clubs. Besides music, he enjoyed kendo and reading. The main reason he liked kendo was he wanted to swing a sword, even if it wasn’t a REAL sword. He made a couple close friends in kendo; many he still writes to this day. When he hit 18 and graduated, he headed back home to Equestria to look for work.He signed on to an apprenticeship to work with his Uncle River, who made Violas in Canterlot. It was fun work and he was lucky enough to find a dojo nearby to keep up his fascination in swinging a bamboo sword. Eventually he became a part-time instructor at the dojo on days he had off. Canterlot wasn’t his favorite city though. He enjoyed working for his uncle but he felt the city was too crowded and there wasn’t enough natural landscape. So, after his apprenticeship he packed up and moved back to Trottingham. One of his old kendo buddies met up and they both paired up to move into the house Brody used to live in. Brody took his old room and used the small work shed in the back to repair instruments, just like his parents. Brody still did kendo work with his old buddy at the new dojo that he (the roommate) opened. Now he spends his free time either doing personal projects or traveling across Equestria and experiencing the music each town had.
His mother and father both worked as instrument repair ponies, fixing almost every instrument brought to them
decently sized cabin
While the northern region of the city was more original-mining-town, the southern was artsy and filled with music and colorful scenes.
He couldn’t play or hold it properly,
When he was 6, his family took him to a far eastern land, close to the outlands, to experience the culture.
His parents had decided that there was ample money to be made there, renovating and fixing old and broken instruments and they settled down there for a bit.