Y'all are being hoes, so I'm going to throw up an example of the kind of shit you have to look forward to for when someone actually grows some balls and submits their precious special snowflake to my gladiator pit. I'm going to judge my own shitty grey boring OC - Starlight Sparkle. OC's Name:Reasonable name choice, but boring and unoriginal. INB4 "ArE u rElaTeD tO TwiLiGht SpArKle?". Anything that has Sparkle in the last name slot should get a free re-roll because holy shit is that ever pathetic. Minus points if you are stupid enough to try and make an OC who is related on some level to Twilight or really any other canon character. Your Pony's Sex:OC's Species:Picture of OC:
Socks are so 2012. This isn't literally 5 years ago where you can put socks on something and instantly make it adorable. Nop. We've gotten that vaccine already. Maybe you can try and actually look decent without the crutch of stupid socks. Body Colour:Boring as shit, just like this character. Mane Colour:Depending on how colour blind and/or stupid you are, this is actually beige. Eye Colour:Body Type:Foalhood:Hey look, another OC where they're a loner when they're a child. Wow, so unique. I have a feeling that most OCs are 'loners' because their creators lack social skills and have no idea how to operate when they have a happy childhood. Good job making your character a one-trick pony too. We're operating strictly in the single dimension here - where this character has literally been doing their special talent from day fucking one. I can't wait until this OC picks up a hobby, like football or swimming, or not being such a Plain Jane. We're doing fiction here, you don't have to make your characters a self insert. Cutie Mark:
Decent design that you probably didn't come up with yourself. Cutie Mark:Way to hit it on the head. Cutie Mark StoryNice twist, not to shabby if I'm being honest. If you just said "She finished it and it was great and she got a pat on the back" I would have slapped you with a horsewhip. Seriously. I actually love that you inserted the #1 rule for writing fiction whether it's shitty clopfics or My Little Dashie. You suck, and you're going to have to start over and scrap good ideas if they don't work. Try again, and do better the second time. Personality:All this is going to do is make RP'ing for more than 6 seconds a challenge, and it's going to make you want to shove knitting needles into your sinuses 3 RP's in. Likes:What a surprise. The shy character likes reading and books. Dislikes:Also not surprising. Do something original for a change. Skills:Not wrong, but nothing other than writing so you literally have the most boring straight forward one-dimensional character ever.Detailed History:See, here's the issue with people who do one thing really well and really don't venture far from it. Sure you now have an excuse to say your character is a master of their craft - or something close to it. But now your RP is limited to staring at paper and jerking yourself off with an inked quill. You haven't thought about anything else the character might be interested in other than the absolute bare minimum you need to create a character. This is why we (most of the time) hate characters like Chad Beefcake, Big McLarge Huge, and all those ultra manly testosterone fueled gunbros. They know nothing more than how to mix a kickass protein shake, pick up pieces of metal and put them in the same spot again, and beat up nerds who like playing D&D on the weekend. We don't like those characters because they are predictable and uninteresting. Your character is just like them. Your character is Chad Beefcake, and it sucks. Rating:Physical Attributes: 4Psychological Attributes: 2Historical Attributes: 2Unity: 1Additional point for: Interesting cutie mark story. Final Score: 10Verdict: Needs an overhaul, but some fundamental details can be recycled. TLDR: Your OC is boring as fuck probably just like your life up until this point.
Starlight Sparkle
Pony - Pegasus
Starlight was a loner when she was a foal. Her parents were emotionally distant from her, and she found solitude and safety in her writing. She wrote fables and tales full of wishful thinking - to distract her from what was going on around her. She gained her cutie mark this way. She was a shy and introverted foal.
Parchment with a blue quill
She was writing a ballad in her room. She was endlessly ruminating over a single detail that was bugging her. She couldn't wrap her head around how to write this scene - no matter how many different directions she thought of it from. Eventually - she gave up. She gave up and threw away the idea and started again. After she did this, she wrote a nice story. Not a great story, not one that's going to be remembered. But she was proud. She was proud of her ability to let go of what she's done, and start again from scratch. Her cutie mark appeared after this.
Shy, introverted, skittish. Does not like to be near groups of people, and is frightend or startled easily.
Peace and quiet, books, reading, writing
Loud noises, overpowering personalities
Writing and literature.
Starlight live and grew with her nose in books and a quill in her hoof. Her entire life and being revolved around writing - it was her only drive and passion. She wanted to make money through her writing, and do it for the rest of her life. It worked out well for her - given that she was not the greatest around other ponies. She liked to keep to herself and stay at home to write. When she's approached by other ponies, she tends to yelp - jump - and hide in whatever or wherever she could. This didn't gain her many friends, but she did make a few in the forms of AD and Strobe. She eventually became romantic with Strobe, and the two entered into a relationship shortly after.