Other than the stripper hair and the mid 00’s preteen choker this is OK. Though I do question the dominance of the red. Usually you’d want to contrast your colours so from far away you don’t look like a giant orange blob but meh. FOALHOODOh look at that, a teenager going through their parents divorce. Nobody else experienced this so it’ll be an exciting new thing to talk and learn about through your character!Also the fuck you doing picking the word witness. She was obviously involved in a custody battle. Especially if they’re teenagers they don’t just ‘witness’ the process. Witness implies that they had no investment whether emotionally or physically in the process. They just bear witness to it. That’s weak. This is weak. Do better. Oh wow look a hard working man getting his hard earned money that he spent hundreds of 24 hour shifts working all the time to earn gets taken away. The divorce system is not unfair at all. NOT UNFAIR AT ALLCUTIE MARK
Pony - Pegasus
Grew up with a regular family with two siblings up until her teen years when she witnessed her parents divorce. From that point on, she lived with her mother after she won the custody battle for the foals, the house, and alimony from the father as he was a doctor at the local hospital. Only foalhood stress she dealt with was her mother's projections of stress onto her and her siblings.
and alimony from the father as he was a doctor
she lived with her mother after she won the custody battle for the foals,
Winged heart with fire coming from the bottom.
FB earned her cutie mark talking to other ponies in her school as a teenager. She got her cutie mark after she helped her friend recover emotionally from a break up.
Short-tempered and impatient as of later times. This mare has a lot of patience when it comes to manipulating social situations and people's minds, but has grown annoyed with most things in society itself aside from the few she's taken interest in. While initially even distrusting of others and even adopting a sometimes holier than thou attitude, she is very receptive and understanding of emotional situations and stresses.
This mare has a lot of patience when it comes to manipulating social situations and people's minds,[quote]You know, the show is called “Friendship is Magic”, not “Friendship is a method to manipulate others’ emotions to gain things of value”. Holy fuck people. If so many of you view human compassion and relationships like this no wonder you spend all your free time on some dumb brony imageboard. [quote]While initially even distrusting of others and even adopting a sometimes holier than thou attitude, she is very receptive and understanding of emotional situations and stresses.
Normal introverted activities, different recipes of Ramen noodles (more specifically beef ramen noodles), getting paid money and surviving is good too. She is not one for having hobbies aside from dealing with other individuals.
getting paid money and surviving is good too
She is not one for having hobbies aside from dealing with other individuals.
Rich ponies, ponies who will not help themselves, psychopharmacological medications, anyone that lacks communication skills, shy ponies, Brazilian wandering spiders and tarantulas, useless answers, loans and interest.
useless answers
She has grown very skilled with helping her local community with selectively burning patches of grass and things among trees to help with the wildlife service when she is stressed from her booth.
(Excluding foalhood section)FireBlitz started to provide comfort for her friends that she went to school with and took a basic interest in psychology and sociology. She grew interested for what were originally good intentions, helping other ponies out and providing comfort after going through stressful times.She went to the local Hooferville Community College to work on getting a degree in the field of psychology after her school teacher recommended it saying there were many job openings in the field. Determined to get out somewhere on her own, she worked hard and received a recommendation to Canterlot's University of Medical Academia. While she was initially ecstatic to get out from under her mom's roof, these plans fell flat as soon as she graduated and her college fund no longer covered the costs of living.When FireBlitz went into the job field, seeking employment with her degree, it had already become overly saturated. There were no available positions to hire her anywhere and a general distrust of new and upcoming therapists over the older ones.FireBlitz opened her love advice booth in Canterlot's tourist trap marketplace, making her life off of whatever tips she can get from anyone who passes her booth. She only earns enough bits to cover the rental of the dorm she can not afford to move out of despite having 5 roommates, feed herself and her pet ball python, rental of the booth, and occasionally payments on the loan she took out for her college education.
FireBlitz started to provide comfort for her friends that she went to school with and took a basic interest in psychology and sociology
She grew interested for what were originally good intentions, helping other ponies out and providing comfort after going through stressful times.
She went to the local Hooferville Community College to work on getting a degree in the field of psychology
after her school teacher recommended it saying there were many job openings in the field.
these plans fell flat as soon as she graduated and her college fund no longer covered the costs of living.
When FireBlitz went into the job field, seeking employment with her degree,
There were no available positions to hire her anywhere and a general distrust of new and upcoming therapists over the older ones.
FireBlitz opened her love advice booth in Canterlot's tourist trap marketplace, making her life off of whatever tips she can get from anyone who passes her booth.
She only earns enough bits to cover the rental of the dorm she can not afford to move out of despite having 5 roommates, feed herself and her pet ball python, rental of the booth, and occasionally payments on the loan she took out for her college education.