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Celtic Cross
A green Earth pony with a satchel tossed across his back was making his way out of Canterlot, and was headed temporarily along the road that linked the glorious capital city to Manehattan, which was known for its healthy fair-trade commerce. He seemed chipper, despite the fact that the sun was going down - it would be logical to assume that he was used to staying up through the nighttime and sleeping during the day.
Somewhere between trying to get the right high-tenor singing pitch corrected and contemplating ways to complete his next assignment, his lazy clip-clop of a trot on the cobbled road ceased, and he found himself looking at what he thought should be a more well-traveled bar along the side of the road. A pair of ponies were just talking to one another at the front door, which he took to mean that the place had just opened up. Curious, and hoping to get in before an expected crowd, he stepped slightly off the road and made for the door, eager to see what sort of dark brews may be waiting within.
Last update on March 7, 9:41 am by Celtic Cross.