On the outskirts of Equestria's shining capital, away from all the changeling invasions, alicorn coronations, galas and grand exhibitions stood a park. It wasn't "the" park - after all, Canterlot was a big place - but as parks go, it was a nice one. Spacious, well-lit in the slowly-darkening evening of an early Autumn, before all the leaves have been shaken down, it was oddly empty for how nice the weather was, the mild air reminiscent of the fleeting summer.
{source: http://xinature.com/park-dusk-path-york-autumn-new-high-resolution/ }The Rules:1: No shitposting.2: Seriously, no shitposting.3: Keep it friendly, or at least nonviolent.4: All species are welcome, canon and otherwise, but be mindful of others regardless.
Last update on April 18, 12:16 am by Quinch.