Radiant Dawn
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Here is the link to the book.
Five Score, Divided by Four - Fimfiction
As a fan of the show, I always loved Rainbow Dash and her cutie mark, but I never wanted it to appear on my leg! Now that it has, all sorts of things are getting weird around here. I'm a guy, not
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Transformation Sequence
May 1st
- The date itself isn’t fixed, just the 25th anniversary. In my case this was May 1st, but other ponies may vary. I’ll refer to the first days and hours in May here just to keep things simple.
- Cutie marks appear at exact anniversary of their 25th birth, the person getting the mark also loses track of time for a moment when it happens. Their brain sort of ‘reboots’ as the cutie mark appears and at this time their very first mental changes start to happen.
May 2nd
Transformation is pretty slow on this day.
- During the day hair starts to grow long, by 3pm hair is visibly longer and slightly colored.
- Eye color has also changed by then.
- By 4pm, Walking gait has changed (the affected are walking with their heels raised) and their hair is even longer and has even more color.
- By 8pm: tail forms, and ears change. Hair is also 100% changed to look like a mane now.
- Middle toe is also larger, they have thicker toenails by now.
- By midnight unicorns have early horns and have some ability to use magic.
May 3rd
Transformation happens much faster today.
- Gender changes over night (as well as any secondary characteristics)
- At the same time, hooves replace feet, also teeth start to change.
- Around here they start really craving pony foods
- By midday voice has changed (though the ‘ponies’ don’t seem to even notice)
- In afternoon, fur covers most of legs, also pelvis and legs begin take on equine shape, it gets slightly harder to walk on two legs. Fingers getting harder to use.
- Pegasi begin to form wings, but can’t fly or really move them.
- Ponies special talent really starts to be visible; all weather pegasi can feel weather now.
- By sunset face really starting to take on pony appearance, fur on hands and neck
- By nighttime fur covers most of body, face has a snout, large eyes.
May 4th
Transformation complete, welcome to ponydom!
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May 1st
- The date itself isn’t fixed, just the 25th anniversary. In my case this was May 1st, but other ponies may vary. I’ll refer to the first days and hours in May here just to keep things simpl... View More
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it's the transformation sequence format from the book which has been made by th auther
January 1, 2018