Smoking Record
Hello. I've started to play TF2 a few days ago. Up until now, I main engineer. I already got 11 of his achievements.
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I am attempting pyro atm, I think we can join a party together if we want to
May 1, 2020

Pyro contracts are...difficult-ish without friends. Especially the dumb stuff with the gas can and jetpack
May 1, 2020

Smoking Record
May 1, 2020

Smoking Record
Sorry for the long reply. I was playing. We lost the game
May 1, 2020

I main engie/Medic but im trying to learn sniper ATM
May 1, 2020
(Script wanted me to start this match)
Intercom: Greetings team red and blue. Today's mission is capture the flag. Each team gets two check points and must protect them from being captured by the oth... View More
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You should come join the group. Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones is actually looking for more members to be red team.
November 30, 2018
When's the match start Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones ?
December 1, 2018
Sorry I just don’t have the time right now to set it up I’ll be on Monday to help
December 1, 2018
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*is in the practice area with some training bots practicing my engineer skills.* sentry going up!!! *builds sentry while taking a few shots with my shotgun.*
1 person liked this.
Nice shot!! *collects the metal dropped and builds a couple of teleporters. One where jack is and one by where the boys are coming from the most. I then build another couple of sentries.* Hey metal heads!! Over here! Steps into the teleporter as the bots get pelted with lead. Yippee ky yay mother bu... View More
November 30, 2018
Hello. I heard there was openings for the red team? I wish to join as engineer if I can.
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Your in next match is this weekend brush up your skills
November 28, 2018
I love this. Seemed fitting for this group.
More Gun Loop
This video is dedicated to my 2 500 subscribers :)
The More Gun song by Valve is amazing, but it is too short. I made this loop for your infinite needs.
Link to the .mp3 I made: http://www.mediafire.com/?zcikjzjmhhy
Mirror: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx-HRb3eHyJEa3lOSjhLXzRpZTA
Everything was animated by me except for Engineer's hands, which were animated by Valve.
Check my About page for information and links:
Check my Steam group for announcements and discussions:
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