More about prisoners for the horror rp group, Asylum.
Prisoners make up the bulk of the cast for this dreary journey; while not the most influential, they are certainly the heart of the roleplay!
Each prisoner is unique to themselves. Why you're captive isn't known to anyone other than yourself. In addition to whatever baggage your oc brings, try to pick up an additional trait or so! The list is just there to help you think of interesting traits that offer weakness, characterization, and d...
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Welcome to the world of Asylum!
Roleplays will be based on a survival horror idea where a group of characters for one reason or another encounter a or so. Will they escape the deathly grasp of the Hellion? Or will yet another group fall prey to such a cruel fiend?
This will no doubt be a little rough but if everyone is willing to cooperate I believe this could make for many fantastic roleplays! So please... read this journal thoroughly and skim the others to at least to get a feel for things;...