Wall Comment

Trixie Lulamoon
The Golden Owl was... Stark empty, at this hour. That was for the best, however. A fight had broke out, everything was a colossal mess. Broken glass, smashed up chairs, heck there were a couple holes ... View More
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Princess Neon Synthwave
Eva stepped in the bar. She looked down at the ground as she walked through the door. Her eyes then met the mare. "Oh, um are you closed?" She asked looking over the mess
May 14, 2019

Trixie Lulamoon
She smiles some. "Trixie Lulamoon. I will, gladly." She chuckles.
May 15, 2019

Princess Neon Synthwave
She nodded beginning to walk out. "Hope to hear from you." She said walking out
May 15, 2019

Trixie Lulamoon
She chuckles, getting back to work cleaning.
May 15, 2019

Ebon Heart
*Ebon Heart was looking for a quiet place to get a drink, and settled on the Golden Owl. He entered and took in the sight. He let loose a low whistle and asked, his accent slightly strange sounding* “What’s happened in here? Looks like a Wolf Spider tore through the place...”
May 15, 2019

Trixie Lulamoon
"Hmm... Uuum... See if you can find a bin lying around. That way we can get it to the dumpster out back."
May 15, 2019

Ebon Heart
*He nods with a small grunt as he goes and looks around for a bin. He finds one and goes to start putting the glass into the bin. He asks while he works* “So how did a brawl break out in here anyways? Doesn’t sound like something that would happen often in the city. Maybe back home though...”
May 15, 2019

Trixie Lulamoon
"Bad seed got everyone riled. Never seen anything like it."
May 15, 2019

Ebon Heart
“Too bad, this seems like a nice place to get a drink. Oh well, the only thing I can do is help you however I can to get back up and running again.”
May 15, 2019

Ebon Heart
“Agreed. Maybe this building wasn’t made to be a bar at first?” *He muses idly as he stares at the walls carefully, thinking to himself*
May 15, 2019

Trixie Lulamoon
"Oh it was. Been one since 1919. Just two owners ago one happened to be dumber than rocks during remodeling. Well when it came to the walls at least."
May 15, 2019

Ebon Heart
*He lets out an amused ‘heh’ as he looks around on the walls. He asks quietly* “I think I could help with this...”
May 15, 2019