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Amy Callihan

Canterlot Avenues favorite creep.

Female. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria. Born on October 31, 1999
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Universe
The Tinker Toy Murders
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Entertainment » Fictional Character
Company, Organization, or Institution » Cause
Company, Organization, or Institution » Organization
Company, Organization, or Institution » Non-Profit Organization
Company, Organization, or Institution » Community Organization
Company, Organization, or Institution » Consulting/Business Services
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Amy Callihan
The world felt so slow as you attempted to sleep till the next day. Trapped in a vessel you may not agree with. Pain and the suffering has been going but love conquers all... And the inevitable loved... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Spins wasn't getting any sleep anyway. She slid out of her sleeping bag, walked into the living room, and turned on the light. "I don't have any food, but feel free to take a water or a beer. Hooves off the whiskey though, that's mine."
Like July 21, 2024
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Amy Callihan
Seemingly there was no one there. No creature or Amy. It was empy and normal- "I can help myself then?" Spinneret would be grabbed by the scruff from behind and hold her high into the air. As Sprout rose, she saw a dress along the ground that smelled... Bad. Really, bad. The dress was seemingly w... View More
Like July 21, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Spinneret's eyes widened. Her jaw dropped. " are you--I-I thought you'd leave me alone for at least the next century...d-did I have a heart attack while I was asleep?! the parasite back?!?!" She looked around frantically, trying to find a way out of this. She dropped her di... View More
Like July 21, 2024
Amy Callihan
Luckily for her, it was enough. Death would grimace and huff. "I was a weakling then and now I am so much more than Death itself. I AM AN ENIGMA!" The walls would melt as the world would become pitch black except for them. "You will feel the wrath of the gods. You are so bothered by being friends w... View More
Like July 22, 2024
The Mimikin
The New-willed Creature stared at the Crack, Thinking it was their Role-model, The Famous Amy Callihan, A Pony They heard for some time and was actually a Role-model to their eyes but He rose up from their Nest, A Mixture Between hay, And a Weird ooze that had harden but was mostly found in Changeli... View More
Like July 21, 2024
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Amy Callihan
Another mare laughter as the door would close, these laughter were any different between each laugh. In fact, they were the exact same every time. It sounded robotic and fake. "Come on! Let's play mister. Hehe." The voice suddenly stopped after and then dead silence. Steps would be heard until it ... View More
Like July 22, 2024
The Mimikin
It was Quickly getting under their Chittin, That they morphed one of their paws into the stem of a Angler fish just to Illuminate the area, Trying to find what it thinks of being one of those Goblin creatures.
Like July 22, 2024
Amy Callihan
The world seemed so dark. Way darker than usually as the Mimikin had stumbled upon a recorder in the middle of a field that was constantly on repeat. It played the same lines it was playing before. Same small child. Then another recorder. Then another. Then another. THEN ANOTHER. THEN ANOTHER. THEN... View More
Like July 22, 2024
Tality was up late, as always, working on recipes for her restaurant, when she heard a shriek from upstairs. There was a trampling of hooves and she was there like a crack of lightning. "What's wrong, Coneypie? Was it a bad dream?" "I saw someone outside my door! She was laughin' at me all weird," ... View More
Like July 22, 2024
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Amy Callihan
When she turned a figure stood before her, looking down at her. A creature made of what looks like black mist. Yet, if you look carefully there is a decrepid body standing there. His bones exposed and destroyed. The flesh he wore was minimal and the flesh still on was black as if unnatural dead skin... View More
Like July 22, 2024
Tality's motherly expression never faltered, as if she hadn't even seen the apparition. She turned back to her Coney and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Simultaneously, her back split open and something else climbed out. Her ribs unfolded, her neck and skull and meat walked on bony protrusions, it... View More
Like July 22, 2024
Amy Callihan
[Scenario "When Life and Death collide": Situational. Meet the Great Slave with Death Looming.] "...." He would have looked over at the foal as his body shaped and molded. He would walk past to look down at the foal. "I wish all that were true." He looked at Tality. "She keeps me here, forever to ... View More
Like July 23, 2024 Edited
Amy Callihan
Understanding the end times, Amy is in her final chapter of her story, "On Death's Door". This chapter of her life will feature many side characters that once were main ones or are become main ones. ... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Like July 12, 2024
Amy Callihan
I wanted to let everyone here know that anyone who is friends with @tiabirb on here and on discord, their discord has been hijacked. They are sending fraudulent discord claiming they got scammed. You ... View More
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Like July 10, 2024
Silver Shield
Tia no come on site :c
Like July 10, 2024
me badly insult :[
Like July 10, 2024
Can confirm the scam is ongoing. They tried to get me too.
Like July 10, 2024
Olive Drab
Your discord has always been a scam, you ask me for my social security number like every other week! I'm starting to think you're not even a pony
Like July 10, 2024
But... I'm Comp. I'm a pony...
Like July 10, 2024
Amy Callihan
Ooooh boy. I need to lay off the stuff man. Hoooweee. Never had a moment where I was so toasted I started seeing people running at me in my own home. Nearly jumped out my fucking skin. Playing outla... View More
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Bro got imaginary opps💀
Like July 9, 2024
Amy Callihan
Among the darkness of the macabre set of the hideout that many steer away from. The stale smelling apartment building with question morality and a place for horror to happen to those who wander insid... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout looked at the body, giving it a good sniff. Emotions were usually a good sign that something was alive.
Like July 5, 2024
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Amy Callihan
Something wasn't right. It smelled cold and rotting but it was making noises from under it. On closer inspection, it had fur and it was a sort of darker brown color. The back legs are toned and fit but not huge. The body was probably 6 feet tall give or take. It was hard to tell if it was alive by... View More
Like July 5, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout took a deep breath and ripped the cloak off.
Like July 5, 2024
Amy Callihan
Upon doing so it would reveal something to Sprout, firstly, they were a lamb. They had less of a mane and moreso curly fur all over their body, which hid their nudity. Secondly, they had strangely shaped horns on the sides of his head that curl in a swirly fashion like how rams have their horns. ... View More
Like July 5, 2024
"What do we have here? Oh... maybe I can scavenge some of its essence before it leaves to another plane" the alchemist mumbled to the black cat that sat on his shoulder. The dark creature looked for a moment at the carcass and nodded in agreement. Using some of the blood from the puddle, the pegasu... View More
Like July 5, 2024
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Amy Callihan
The blood was unique, it was thick like ink and it stung as if it was acidic to the touch. It could even be seen bubbling upon touching his hoof. There was a soul on inspection or... Well, soul is used very loosely. It eas more like an eclipse that shot out and his increased knowledge of the strang... View More
Like July 5, 2024
"Interesting... such a dark soul in a John Do" said the pegasus as he observed the enigmatic etherial presence from a distance he considered safe enough. Without any delay, the cat on his shoulder jumped away as he poured pure salt around himself, forming a circle. "Zal, be prepared in case we hav... View More
Like July 7, 2024
Amy Callihan
The body would have risen as they would pop their neck and sigh. The body had taken the cloak off and then the head would twist backward. "Goodnight." Suddenly and without warning, the sky would turn pitch black as females laugh could be heard. The voice was uniquely sultry and deep as if intentio... View More
Like July 9, 2024
"Oh hey, free food," Tality muttered to herself jovially as she trotted up to check out the body. Eating other ponies wasn't much fun when they were dead, but protein was protein. She really ought to go out hunting soon. Just find one good scumbag to fill the gaping abyss in her gut for a few more w... View More
Like July 9, 2024 Edited
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Amy Callihan
Once flipped, it revealed what looked like the face had already been scraped off and plastered onto the ground in a pile of bones and flesh. Breathing could be heard be hear from above her from behind. A giant would stand behind her. Starting at her the whole time as she moved the body. The giant ... View More
Like July 10, 2024
Ah, the small joys of life. Tality was something of a connoisseur of a well-executed spate of body horror. "Weelllll hello there!" Tality said, slurring the first word as her brain hiccupped on taking in the visage in front of her. "You're a cute one, aren't you?" She said it ironically, but also, s... View More
Like July 11, 2024 Edited
Amy Callihan
"I will put your in my dolly house and stab you repeatedly until you are mad. You will not know peace. You will die." She would stand tall in opened her maw to release a hallucinating fear wail. The unspeakable death scream seemed to be a ritual of sorts, blood ejecting out of her pale throat. When ... View More
Like July 11, 2024
The Mimikin
The Mimikin would've stared down at the body, Never moving it but just Observing... Awaiting for it to make the first move before It could get the jump on it, and to see if they truely weren't awake They began to apply pressure to one of their legs kneecap.
Like July 11, 2024
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Amy Callihan
Before he could do any real damage, a bipedial creature would fall nearby behind The Mimikin. "Get your own prey, bastard." The man would have a raspy voice and covered in bandages. He wore a white blood covered cloak. His teeth were shown and sharp unaturally as if they were grinded that way. His... View More
Like July 12, 2024
The Mimikin
The Creature...Began to laugh, Turning around to face the new creature with a fire in their eyes. "Oh ?, And What daresay would happen if The Request was Denied ?" It asked, Pondering what this new Strangers story was, Perhaps a Failed experiment ?, The cloak and bandages He wore maybe being what re... View More
Like July 12, 2024
Amy Callihan
The stranger had lift his hand as he said, "Underestimate me again, freak." The body from under Mimikin would bloat and after mere moments, it exploded in a shower of blood and guts. However,the blood rain wouldn't stop. They alleyways would fill with red but in that moment rain would crystalize mid... View More
Like July 12, 2024
Amy Callihan
Yo! I'm gonna be celebrating my new universe, The Suffering of Dr. Reiner. That said, Dr. Reiner has seen a lot. He can see you too. Type down below something and I will tell you what monster you ... View More
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Eh Sures ^w^, Was gonna either use the Mimikin or Cotton but went wib Ghostie bean here.
Like July 2, 2024
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Amy Callihan
The Hero of Equestria - Class-D Freak Freaks are unique as they aren't large or geniuses but prefer a life of solitude. Their simplicity puts them on the lower end of danger but that doesn't mean they can't hurt you, they just aren't seen.... View More
Like July 2, 2024
Kinda can picture this Happening and Cotton having to Put a Version of her Father down, whilst trying to fight through her feelings, Seeing someone she never seen much but always wanted to.
Like July 2, 2024
Amy Callihan
Incidently, The Hero has some quirks about it. It can actually use any ability tied to the corpse it is attached too. It also can learn equestrian languages but not speak them. So it can attempt to mimic the user it ate by attempting to freakishly do sign language and use magic.
Like July 2, 2024
Polo Fastter
I guess?
Like July 2, 2024
Amy Callihan
The Shadow Counsel - Envelop the earth in Darkness. The Shadow Counsel is a Class-B Colossal.... View More
Like July 2, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
I'm green!
Like July 2, 2024
Amy Callihan
The Corpse Dozer - Class-A freak. Uncharacteristically, this freak class is extremely dangerous. ... View More
Like July 2, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Oh my goodness! *Nitroxus would shaking through his bones to his teeth.* That's a scary creature.
Like July 3, 2024
Hello everypony
Like July 2, 2024
Amy Callihan
A void of silence. A godless visage of the end times for there is no salvation for any of us. Society and bleakness have melded together in the worst way possible in a struggle between the rot and the confident. The confidence leads us astray and the rot destroys the brain. So much information i... View More
Like July 3, 2024 Edited
Amy Callihan
My Brussel keeps yappin. I was just hungry...
Amy Callihan
A diamond dog would sit outside of a hospital. This wasn't normally hit site but he was called for his expertise. This was a case of child abuse and neglect. He looked at his sandwich... "Oh jeez... T... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout plopped herself down next to him. "What's up, doc?" She smiled, oblivious to the really funny pop-culture reference she'd just made. "Looks like you got a lot on your mind. Smells like it, too. Kinda salty, kinda bitter...worry?" Reaching into her saddlebag, she pulled out a somewhat-la... View More
Like June 27, 2024
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Amy Callihan
Reiner would look over at Sprout as he shook his head. "I'm not sure if I feel comfortable sharing it with you. It's not a very nice story and it doesn't me -- it rarely does actually." He sighed and looked at the photo Sprout gave him. He took the picture gently in his small paws and hummed. "I su... View More
Like June 27, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout's heart started pounding at the mention. Images flashed in her head. Her friends. Dead. In Canterlot. Children. Children forced to fight. It was all she could do to make herself hug Reiner.
Like June 27, 2024
Amy Callihan
"I'm sorry, Sprout. I'm just... It never gets easier. It never does." He would have allowed her to hug him. Death to Reiner was vastly more traumatic as Sprout may understand. Bones crunched behind the two as the shadow of what could be imagined as a shadow would loom over them. A giant centipede... View More
Like June 27, 2024
Tality walks by and sees his face, and it takes a moment for her to place where she's seen that look before, and then she freezes and comes right back. "Hi there, you look like you need an adult to talk to."
Like June 30, 2024
Amy Callihan
The small fella would gaze over at her slowly with very little emotion. His gaze was infinite as if he was about to grab her heart from her body at any moment. "I'm sorry do I-" Fingers slid across his tan head. Three long fingers that would reach down to his eyelids. The fingers would have gripped... View More
Like July 2, 2024
Tality was in momentary shock. She hadn't been prepared for a vision like that. She hadn't felt like she was in danger at any point, but it was bewildering. Why here, why now? This was the second entity to assault her by successfully screwing with her perceptions since she'd arrived in her homeland.... View More
Like July 11, 2024
Amy Callihan
Even though I don't normally roleplay a sona, I'm everywhere. Here is a list of all the places and things based off my life. Manuel - "Shoo Whee! That was a tough fight hehe." Based on the short se... View More
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Serendibite has planted a bomb in ’s mailbox as revenge for forcing her to watch Skibidi Toilet. #rp
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Bright Brave
Air quotations. "Forced"
Like June 5, 2024
"How it feels to hold the gyatt of your friend. Rizz."
Like June 5, 2024
Amy Callihan
Amy would wake up in her naked stupor before slow walking to the bathroom. She put on a bath robe as she would open her front door of her mansion property. She would grab her mail and walk back in... Meanwhile at Butchies apartment, Butchie Callihan would open the mailbox to then fucking explode.
Like June 6, 2024 Edited
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