Scarlet Gleam
//I already asked this Question with Starfire but anyway///
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The Memorial
Deafy brought out his pen and paper and scribbled a couple of things.
"Love. As cheesy as it may sound. Love for what you do, love for your friends and close ones, love for yourself. Without these, life has no meaning, and you go from living to simply existing."
September 5, 2019

Scarlet Gleam
October 6, 2019

Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Ponies. The meaning of life is ponies.
September 5, 2019

Scarlet Gleam
Very true
October 6, 2019

The meaning of life is to better it. Before life, everything was a wasteland, but after life, the world became much better off. To improve ours and others lives is the meaning.//
September 5, 2019

Pinkie Pie
What's your favorite color Scarlet? Mine's Pink and Red and Yellow.
February 4, 2021
Why am I so bored?
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Not like that. Our community is being forgotten, and no one's really interacting with each other.
True. Yes but even though it is the end of mlp G4, I’ll hopefully showing my future children (I’m not pregnant by the way) the magic of friendship through mlp someday. Also since G4 was so good they’ll probably try to remake it.
In times of trouble Scarlet Gleam asks herself:
What would Discord Do?
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Scarlet is surprised nopony has asked her what her favorite movie is. That may be a good thing because she is very unsure what her favorite movie is?? Firstly it MUST be a musical or at least have 1 m... View More
Undertale Me (mun): Heya... You've been uh... quite busy lately... Huh? h you know what I mean... Well. I have a question for ya bud. Do you think, anyone, as cruel, merciless, vile, selfish, and evil... View More
Questions for anypony to answer:
Is this site addictive?? Am I addicted?? Do I need to get help??
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1. is this site addictive: yes, and like all addictive things it's bad for you and make you a worse person
2. Am I addicted: I hope not
3. Do I need to get help: maybe? if you think you are. . . yes
Ok...Thanks....I hope I’m not addicted either!!! My marks have gone up slightly since I came on here. So I guess it can’t be that bad right?
September 3, 2019
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Well I’m good actually. I don’t know if that counts as a question..........but whatever....
I see, where would you say is your favorite place you’ve traveled to?
In Equestria, probably Manehattan. I went to Bridleway it was amazing.
Never been but always wanted to go myself. Ever wish you were a unicorn or an earth pony? Or is being a Pegasus so amazing you never thought of being something else?
Um....Well...I don’t use my wings unless I absolutely have to, so I kinda am like an earth pony already...just with wings. I sooo wish I was a unicorn because like MAGIC duh!! Of course everypony wishes to be an Alicorn because 1) You get to be a Princess which I’ve wanted to be ever since when I wa... View More