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Scarlet Gleam
Here you can ask Scarlet Gleam any question. Any question about anything. Even she may ask some Questions about life for you to answer.

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Scarlet Gleam
//I already asked this Question with Starfire but anyway/// WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE???!!!??
2 people like this.
The Memorial
Deafy brought out his pen and paper and scribbled a couple of things. "Love. As cheesy as it may sound. Love for what you do, love for your friends and close ones, love for yourself. Without these, life has no meaning, and you go from living to simply existing."
Like September 5, 2019
Scarlet Gleam
Like October 6, 2019
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Ponies. The meaning of life is ponies.
Like September 5, 2019
Scarlet Gleam
Very true
Like October 6, 2019
The meaning of life is to better it. Before life, everything was a wasteland, but after life, the world became much better off. To improve ours and others lives is the meaning.//
Like September 5, 2019
Pinkie Pie
What's your favorite color Scarlet? Mine's Pink and Red and Yellow.
Like February 4, 2021