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Male. Lives in  Equestria. Born on July 21, 1993
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Common locations your character will be
Anywhere you'd like!
Skin / Coat Color
Mostly dark gray to white.
Eye Color
Design Description
Karl stands a bit smaller than a normal, adult, male griffon. His head is covered in white feathers, aside from the black plumage around his eyes. The eyes are red, and his beak is black. As the white feathers move down to his chest, they begin to darken. This is most notable when the feathers turn to fur, dark gray and normally fairly short. He grows it out a bit more in the winter. His talons and forearms are a very dark gray, almost black. The rest of his body is a dark gray as well, but the ... View More
Detailed History
Like most griffons, Karl was born in the north. His parents, Heinrich and Henriette Firkinfeather, both owned a small brewery in Griffonstone. As Karl came of age, he was tasked with moving their product to other parts of the region, as ponies requested the batches of the beer for themselves. Doing this, Karl was able to travel and learn about Equestria and it's regal rulers, and subsequently their royal taxes and tariffs on imported goods. Almost immediately he had developed a disdain for the r... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
He is proficient in piano and most string instruments.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
July 21, 1993
Last Login:
April 18, 2024
Member Since:
December 4, 2018
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