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June 1, 2024
53 views 18 plays
2 people like this.
Lyrics: Tell me why I'm feeling low Tell me why the skies don't glow Why my heart can't find the sun... View More
Like June 1, 2024
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
This is another great song, it has a very nice sound and beat to it, it's quite the sad sounding song but I like the hopeful feel to it at the end, I suppose I have always liked music like this but wonderful job once again, sorry I haven't been around as much to hear these awesome works just life ke... View More
Like June 2, 2024
Don't be sorry, Life keeps us all busy, same counts for me. About the song, yeah, it is indeed a sad song, a song about Isolation and depression but I'm happy to read that you're enjoying it <3
Like June 2, 2024