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Female. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria. Born on May 13, 1993
Earth Pony
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Please ask me if I'm available to roleplay because of a stressful private life.
Roleplay Universe
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
Entertainment » Fictional Character
SCP Foundation
29 Members
Laly let out a long sigh as she sits in her office, leaning back against the chair while her eyes gaze up at the ceeiling, clearly thinking about something. It takes a few seconds until she gazes down... View More
Nightengale Nighttime
Bruhhhhhh is she part of the SCP universe?
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Like March 23, 2025
Nightengale Nighttime
Ahhh hell nice!
Like March 23, 2025
Laly bows her head gently at you in a greeting manner. #rp
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Nightengale Nighttime
And you are.....
Like March 23, 2025
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Nightengale Nighttime
Did I hire you? Don't remember doing so.
Like March 23, 2025
„You don’t need to hire me, I do it for free for you“ Laly smiles.
Like March 23, 2025
Nightengale Nighttime
I my reputation preceeds me?
Like March 23, 2025
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Bryce stood there looking at Laly, more scars than he had before now after doing his job as he looked at her "Laly....hey it's so wonderful to see you..."
Like Yesterday, 8:11 pm
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Bryce (Awesome) Shades
"No can't be serious....not you Laly..." He closed his eyes as he fought back intense sadness as he let out a shaky breath "No I uhh....I remember hearing your name around and I swear we talked before...maybe I am just that unmemorable you probably just forgot the few times we talked, I g... View More
Like Yesterday, 9:13 pm
Her eyes would rest on him with a blank expression for a moment as a part of her mane falls over her left eye, with a slow shake of her head she tries to bring it back in place, revealing a scar on the side of her head that looks like a scar after a surgery. „interesting… I thought for a moment we w... View More
Like Yesterday, 9:23 pm
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Bryce watched her seemingly just blank out as he looked worried before seeing her come back, though once he noticed the scar his face just fell with sadness as he looked at her. "Oh no...." He whispered to himself before closing his and shaking his head back to a small and weak smile. "Ah ... View More
Like Yesterday, 5:04 am Edited
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would pull out a Stetson hat and bow his head back.* Ma'am.
Like Yesterday, 9:14 pm
She laughs softly „My, what a gentleman“
Like Yesterday, 9:24 pm
Nitroxus Soulspins
Welcome to help.
Like Yesterday, 2:48 pm
Brave Charger
*He was looking at her, after, they greet each other* ´´Mrs. Laly, what is the plan for today?´´ *He asked, since, he was being Personal Guard, and sometimes interact with her*
Like Yesterday, 1:22 am
After mountains of paperwork, Spinneret was finally able to get a temporary transfer to Site-19. She walked through the halls, staring in awe at the prestige of such an important Site. Once she ente... View More
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As Spinneret entered the cafeteria, she could notice how everyone was a little.. paranoid, some of them asking stuff like "She's not here, is she?" while others just gazed around now and then, like they're searching for something.. or someone. Once Spinneret asked about Laly, the doctor slowly turn... View More
Like January 16, 2025
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Spins nodded. "Alright, 3C it is." She set off to are 3C, wondering just who had whispered that into her antenna...
Like January 16, 2025
Even IF Spinneret would check the area, she'd not find anyone that would be close enough to have whispered that into her ear. As Spinneret makes her way towards the containtment area, a guard would stop her "Halt!" he shouts, aiming his weapon right at her "Identify yourself!"
Like January 17, 2025
Spinneret stopped and stood at attention. "Field Agent Spinneret, on temporary transfer to Site-19." She held up her badge, showing she had Level 2 access. "Assigned to the object formerly known as 'Laly'." That one was a bluff, but as a changeling, mundane deception was in her DNA.
Like January 17, 2025
Laly closes her eyes to inhale some air, filling her lungs with fresh air before opening her eyes half „A new era is knocking on the door…“ #rp
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Maxh Vezpyre
He sneaks in, and gave Laly the bump behind her head, and the squish hug of course. We'll be here eating cake and drinking tea for tonight.
Like January 13, 2025
#rp SCP Foundation Internal News Broadcast „Good morning, Foundation staff. I’m Dr. Amanda Royce, here to brighten your Monday with an update on the ongoing soap opera that is MTF Epsilon-6, also kno... View More
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"...figures. Laly's finally back, and she's all the way in Site-19." Spins grumbled, swatting another agent's hand away from her leg. "Just hang in there, Spins, just hang in there..."
Like January 6, 2025
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Bryce sat alone in a room his face more rugged with a very tired look, bags under his eyes as he heard the announcement going off, hearing Lalys name he slowly rose up from his seat as he couldn't believe it. "Laly....this can't be real...she's back..." He almost wanted to deny it, though hearing wh... View More
Like January 6, 2025
shared a song.
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Nitroxus Soulspins
You're back!!!
Like January 5, 2025
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
I was not expecting's so good to see you again Laly! I and many others im sure have missed you.
Like January 5, 2025
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Happy new year Laly, I hope you are doing well and life hasn't been hard on you or anything like that, hope to see you again sometime soon.
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would knock at the door, waiting for an answer.*
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Shifter Burnside
“Oh hey Nitro, why are you here?”
Like December 17, 2024
shared a song.
5 people like this.
Bro should make a fic
Like August 27, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Sounds a movie trailer music, for an action adventure movie that somehow has spy thriller feel. Also was made in the early 2000's, staring that era of star power actors. If I had time, I think I could even write out a trailer script with this.
Like August 27, 2024 Edited
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