Hmm, I I have a question. Well, a request for advice, really, if anyone feels like pitching in.
I have no previous drawing experience, but a little bit ago I bought a basic little Wacom tablet. With ... View MoreHmm, I I have a question. Well, a request for advice, really, if anyone feels like pitching in.
I have no previous drawing experience, but a little bit ago I bought a basic little Wacom tablet. With a fair amount of tutorials out there suggesting various and often contradictory things, I figure it couldn't hurt to ask firsthand. So, in no particular order;
1} After trying a couple of things, I'm using Krita, mainly because it seems simple enough to use and I like the selection of brushes. Is it a decent starting point before - hopefully - upgrading to Photoshop or something similarly advanced somewhere down the line? Will it help me develop any good habits, or ingrain any bad ones?
2} This is may be a silly question, but I feel I need to ask - how should I hold the pen, or rather, how should I hold my hand? I rest my hand on the tablet itself and move it around a fair bit in order to draw in decent size rather than tiny {good habit? Bad habit?} but as I move my hand off the tablet, the drop jogs the pen and I end up with a sudden jaggy. Should I draw with my wrist raised?
3} Relating to 2 and more of a technical question - I imagine I might be able to draw by keeping my hand in more-or-less the same place and instead moving the canvas around. I've tried finding a way to do that - something like either holding a key or a mouse button {or mapping a mouse button to a key} in the few programs I've tried so far - Sai, Krita and Corel PhotoPaint, but have had no luck. Does this sound like a feasible tactic, and if so, how would I go around doing that? Tutorials have, sadly, failed me.
Thanks in advance for any input.