
Basalt Alltrades
How many diapers does Flurry go through a day? Do the taxpayers pay for those diapers? What are you doing to help decrease our dependance on foreign diaper manufacturers? Inquiring minds want to know!
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Princess Luna
"Flurry goes through... *rolls dice* six diapers per day! and I buy Flurry's diapers, which does in fact come from the tax payers, but it's for a good cause! But because Flurry has become rather popular in the kingdom, I have decided to give Flurry her own brand of Diapers! They have frills in the c... View More
March 14, 2018

Reapor Valheart
Does flurry ever accidently wear her diapers on her head? to be goofy or silly
September 19, 2018
"how can i be sure you or your child isn't just a rando changling feeling on everything?!" dusk would put on a tinfoil hat with a mad laugh. "YOU CANT USE YOUR MIND CONTROL ON MEEE!!!"
Does Flurry still have magic spikes? And how does Shining Armor handle it?
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