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Littchie Von Bleed

Female. Lives in  Dodge Junction,  Equestria. Born on April 21
Litch Pegasus
Roleplay Availability
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Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Local Business or Place » Community/Government
Company, Organization, or Institution
Brand or Product » Product/Service
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
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Bright Brave
Haha! I caught cha!
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Littchie Von Bleed
#rp ITS BEEN A WHILE! *Littchie huffed out as she clawed her way free from the ground* So turns out putting a philately in a unreachable spot also makes it a pain to get out from.....what year is it?
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would look at Littchie.* 2024, also since when have you been able to dig through the dirt? Are you challening me to burrowing race?
Like August 2, 2024
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Nitroxus Soulspins
Welcome to help. So, what about yourself? What are you up to?
Like August 2, 2024
Littchie Von Bleed
Well been stuck underground for a as of this moment nothing at all
Like August 2, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Well, need help in your future.
Like August 3, 2024
"1008 of the Celestial Era. Also are you a zombie? Because I've been looking for zombies for four years now, so if you are one, I'll have to celebrate." Sprout leaned in close.
Like August 2, 2024
Littchie Von Bleed
....kind sorta not really? *she said with a small shrug clearing muck from her body* but for a celebration we can just say im a basic zombie sure
Like August 2, 2024
"Well, we don't have to call you 'basic'...but okay! You're the zombie, you pick the restaurant, just one with good champagne. I've been savin up for this!"
Like August 2, 2024
Bright Brave
WOWEE!!!! YOURE ALIVE!!!! *hug hug squeeze*
Like August 2, 2024
Littchie Von Bleed
Alive is a relative term *she whined more or less trapped in the most powerful binding of them all. Social obligation!*
Like August 2, 2024
Bright Brave
Like August 2, 2024
Littchie Von Bleed
*akwardly hugs back even after being free* but yes i live
Like August 2, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus jumped on a path of trampolines toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Littchie Von Bleed
#rp It is nearly time for me to send my army of sprits across the land! This year we rise to bring our wrath to the world of the living! *Littchie dramatically yelled out from her crypt slowly floatin... View More
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Shifter Burnside
Like October 30, 2023
Littchie Von Bleed
#rp WHO THE HAY FILLED MY HOUSE WITH CONCRETE?! *The tiny Litch hissed out having spent the past month or so clawing her way out of her filled in crypt* I swear i am going to have my ghouls dig trench... View More
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Amy Callihan
Amy would come back to the crime scene with her full get up as she heard movement. Once the concrete was breached, she ran. Fast
Like August 3, 2023 Edited
"Look, I'm not saying I know who did it as that would mean I possibly could of stopped them, and I'm not saying that it isn't funny but... Yea I'm not sure. I got confused with someone else when trying to explain something..." The gryphon eventually replied after going around and around in a circle.
Like August 2, 2023
Littchie Von Bleed
Littchie slowly rises from her crypt eyes bloodshot "so.....been playin mechabellum.....gonna go....back to that". She proceeds to just float back down into crypt most likely not to be seen again for ... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins
Wait... Come back. I baked you a pie.
Like July 5, 2023
Amy Callihan
"I heard if you fill up undead crypts with concrete then it solves everything." A truck would start pouring liquid concrete into the crypt entrance
Like July 5, 2023
Littchie Von Bleed
*Littchie checks the Calander* oh dang IM OLD NOW!
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how old?
Like April 21, 2023
Littchie Von Bleed
26 slowly rising up there
Like April 21, 2023
No! you're young and Fabulous!!!
Like April 21, 2023
Littchie Von Bleed
Littchie slowly rises with little to no fan fair slumping out of an open grave like a seal trying to hop up a ledge. " back to bed...."
Littchie Von Bleed
"BURN IT DOWN DOWN WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT" Littchie yelled tossing a zippo inside the local ice-cream shop. She is to no one's surprise thrown out.
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Maxh Vezpyre
Das the Littchie, that's a cyoot. She may proceed with the mayhem.
Like December 28, 2022
Littchie Von Bleed
Only one month out of the year can i feel such power! BRING APON THE SPOOOKANING!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
Its a Spooky Month!
Like October 10, 2022
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