*night rose is going over reports of changelings massing and attacking villages and outposts near the boarder*
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"Flys around in the night sky and fly down onto the ground"
Like March 28, 2019
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"Storm Star slowly back away"
Like March 28, 2019
night shade
*night rose hears this* why are thou backing away
Like March 28, 2019
Storm Star thinks: CRAP' "She stare blankly" Nothing
Like March 28, 2019
Ocean feather
Cap arrives on the seen with a motorcycle " ok I'm here "
Like December 7, 2019
Rainbow Chaser
name: Rainbow Chaser species:pegaSUS gender: Male age: almost 18 (position or rank if you are already in the forces): anybody who physically fights.... View More
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Nyinx D'Lune
// Ooof... page RPs, Hello darkness my old friend.
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Lyon Strider
i've come to speak with you again
Like February 13, 2019
Captain Sky N Nova
Abby actually had one that was moving along pretty well until everyone left.
Like February 14, 2019
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Captain Sky N Nova
Sorry for being sick and sleep deprived
Like February 14, 2019
As I said, it's FINE you were, doesn't change it died cause of ya.
Like February 14, 2019
Nyinx D'Lune
... *Blink*
Like February 21, 2019
*night rose catches the last passenger train to canterlot, just as war is declared*
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Rose Budd
Name: Rose Budd Species: Bat Pony Gender: Mare Age: 20 (At the time of the war) Position: Scout and advanced reconnaissance
name: night rose species: unicorn gender: mare age: 19 (position or rank if you are already in the forces): assassin and saboteur
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