Geez, I remember this page (Thanks Sprouting lol), uhh... guess I should revive this page again. Mmmm... yeah, I'll do that.
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Lol, now I gotta find that studio map I used for this page...
February 18, 2024
Anyone else looking to ask us 4 questions? We're open to any and all questions! But don't ask questions that'll make us uncomfortable.
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" Yeah, Hoo man, Devoled griffion's, Small diamond dog, And Hippogriffion princess.................Also i'm that Ghost rabbit like creature from before....and the right name for that is Ghostling btw" He said stuck on the ground trying to move to a wall with zero success
January 25, 2021
Hello everyone! It's time to once again open the box for questions from y'all. As you can see, we now finally have a new studio for answering your questions! So feel free to ask us anything!
He's the man Washington D.C. fears. He's the leader of the clown gang known as the PAYDAY crew. He and his crew pulled off the greatest heist of all: The White House. Please welcome to the studio, Dal... View More
Hello everyone! We are returning back to the studio once more to answer your questions! Feel free to ask any question you want! We may actually have another special guest soon...
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Well, we still have Blu, but yes, we are coming back with another guest.
Sorry we've been absent recently! I'm taking on a huge project right now, but tonight, I will open up the question box and studio to those who are curious about us!
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Stickwoman, The Normal StickianFounder