Wall Comment

Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*As we were going through the time ways, me and Jewel held onto each other.* It's going to be okay! As long as we're together, we got this!
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Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
I sure hope so, I don't know where we're really going!
January 15, 2024

Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
I think he's trying to stop Kahl from getting to you. Us. I don't know, we just need to stop him! *She would launch a fireball at the flying Dragonkin.*
January 17, 2024

Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*The fireball would hit Kerapac. He would be sent to the ground. We would make it to Kerapac and put up a shield to stop him from going further.*
(Kerapac) You think you can stop me here? I'd like to see you try... *He starts launching time bolts at me and Jewel. We would dodge them, but one would h... View More
January 22, 2024

Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
Y-yeah. It wasn't a heavy bolt, so the damage is minimal. C'mon, let's go after him! *She would get up and the two would follow Kerapac into the time portal.*
January 22, 2024
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