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Pan's art page
on September 9, 2018
The pandapony holds a longbow and is trying to aim at something.. or someone.. but what? or who? Who's the victim?
Dimension: 841 x 823
File Size: 264.11 Kb
11 people like this.
Acry Weaver (Inactive)
This is a good look for her! :D <3
Like September 9, 2018
<3 yes
Like September 9, 2018
Zirx the Hound
The hound threw his paws up in the air. "Please! Don't shoot!"
Like September 9, 2018
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Pandora would quickly put the bow down as she'd nearly aim at Zirx instead of the evil being she was supposed to kill. "Woaahh- don't get in my way like that, doggy.." She did not mean to offend!
Like September 9, 2018
Zirx the Hound
He huffed a bit at the doggy comment. "Oi! Ima Hound!" Zirx quickly rebuttled, then got out of the line of fire.
Like September 9, 2018
"Sorry, hound" She fixed what she said and aimed again to shoot the evil being behind Zirx!
Like September 9, 2018
"That's some good form there!", the buck said as he walked up and patted the pony on the head, "Try and pull back until your hoof is touching your cheek!"
Like September 9, 2018
"I'll end up hitting myself with it.." She murmured, this thing was quite heavy! "Teach me not to hit myself with it.."
Like September 9, 2018
"Alright so you may want to kneel down and stick the bottom part of the bow in the ground. That way you can use the ground to hold the bow for you"
Like September 9, 2018
Golden Spark
A panda pony sounds so cute~
Like September 9, 2018