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Acry Weaver (Inactive)
on February 6, 2019
I love it, thank you! :D <3
Dimension: 1200 x 1200
File Size: 4.5 Mb
15 people like this.
Liath Mac Medb
Oh my look at her eyes, look at her hooves, look at her everything!
Like February 6, 2019
Acry Weaver (Inactive)
Indeed!! :D <3 So happy
Like February 6, 2019
Stardusk Strider
No matter what happens here, Arcy always delivers to be adorable
Like February 6, 2019
Acry Weaver (Inactive)
Yay, happy to help there! XP Always good to promote another artist too!
Like February 6, 2019
I want to hug it.
Like February 6, 2019
Acry Weaver (Inactive)
You may get that hug! ^o^
Like February 6, 2019
-squishes in hugg-
Like February 6, 2019
Acry Weaver (Inactive)
:D *a strong floofy hug is returned* Yay!
Like February 6, 2019
((Acry! long time no see! you may remember me from p^2 as mountain dew
Like February 6, 2019
Acry Weaver (Inactive)
Hello! I'm afraid my memory of that time is pretty bad, I can't recall people from name alone any more ^^;
Like February 6, 2019
((its fine! i recall you telling me how to improve my terrible art. its still terrible, but at least it is a little better to look at!
Like February 6, 2019
Acry Weaver (Inactive)
I'm glad to hear you're improved! I'm sure it's not really terrible :3 You can always send me a message if you'd like some more advice sometime!
Like February 6, 2019