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Aurelie Sweet
on February 21, 2019
How Aurelie feels when multiple ponies gush over her at once....
"Send help..."
Dimension: 480 x 270
File Size: 841.88 Kb
5 people like this.
She definitely falls into this category in more ways than one, but far from being bashful, simply nibbles on one of Auri's ears gently, a soft blush filling her cheeks. "Hey frecklesnoot~"
Like February 21, 2019
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Aurelie Sweet
"I will have to nap for sure." She hugs Abby happily. "If I have a cute earth pony to cuddle and make sure I do nap!!"
Like February 21, 2019
"You know whjere to find me!" she says with a chuckle. She loves nap cuddles honestly.
Like February 21, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
"Yay!!" She smooches her cheek playfully. "Then I shall hunt you down when I'm ready to sleep."
Like February 21, 2019
Liath Mac Medb
"You like it." He grins.
Like February 21, 2019
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Liath Mac Medb
"Sounds like a date. A nap date." He sticks his tongue out at her and grins. He raises a hoof and pets her pretty golden curls. "You bet I'd like to join that."
Like February 21, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
"Woohoo!" She leans into the pets, nearly falling asleep standing up due to them.
Like February 21, 2019
Liath Mac Medb
He kisses her cheek affectionately. "Can't wait." He says with a soft laugh.
Like February 21, 2019
Lord Somber
"A bat that smells of honey and has a gorgeous mane? You require the Prince's attention." He grinned.
Like February 21, 2019
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Aurelie Sweet
Aurelie smiles, actually really liking that idea. "In that case, I'd love to! It sounds perfect." She hugs him and then steps back, shifting from hoof to hoof excitedly. ... View More
Like February 21, 2019
Lord Somber
He smiled at her. "If you are serious in signing up for the Lunars, you'll have to speak with my personal guard or my fiance . Either one will do. Just explain that I offered the opportunity. Less likely for you to be turned away." He explained as he noticed that he now smelle... View More
Like February 21, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
"I am serious. I love farming for honey, but there are times when it alone doesn't pay the bills. If I can be of use with my expertise in other ways, it would be perfect." She smiles and trots off to find the ponies in question.
Like February 21, 2019
Ephemeria Spring
“You can’t escape it. Once it starts it never stops!” Ephee cries out, dragging Aurelie into a hug and hiding behind her!
Like February 21, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
Aurelie hugs her happily and then shields her from the multiple admirers. "I shall protect you and you shall protect me. Autobots roll out!!"
Like February 21, 2019
Ephemeria Spring
“Yeah! Together we’ll thrive!” She places her muzzle by her ear, whispering. “...reciprocate till they can’t take it!”
Like February 21, 2019
Aurelie Sweet
"You are a genius! We will weather this storm." She smiles happily, her tail flicking behind her.
Like February 21, 2019