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I'm just trying to be a more social Prince. Not sure how the higher ups are gonna think about this. Ehh....but I mean, I have to have ponies to rely on right?
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The Castle
176 Members
King Artemis
Been a while since then right? Mid-day thoughts with King's Admin: Y'know I was never really a believer in the whole, 'take some time to yourself in a quiet place and just shut your brain off for a ... View More
Queen Lesa
"Wakey, wakey~ rise and shine." The Queen attempted to wake up her husband from his deep slumber nuzzling his cheek lovely. "Your hot waffles will get cold~"
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King Artemis
"Uhh...." The King seemed reluctant to get up from his slumber. No matter how long he's been in charge of the Kingdom with his Queen? He still struggled with mornings. "The sun is nothing, but a succubus. Draining my will to progress. I shall not face it, and instead stay comfortable in bed. The Waf... View More
Like July 20, 2024
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Queen Lesa
The Queen gasped! Honestly this was to be expected from her husband. Such a drama King he was without any doubt, but he caused his wife to frown... these weren't any regular waffles that the kitchen staff made these were made by the Queen! "...That's a shame, I know waffles are your favorite so I de... View More
Like July 20, 2024
King Artemis
"You made them?" Almost as if a switch, he seemed to be flipped back on, sitting up in bed as he looked forward. His Queen made him waffles? Not the staff? He wouldn't be able to pass up on those! "Where? I'm ready to eat~" He grinned.
Like July 20, 2024
Queen Lesa
Honestly it was impressive with how quickly he awoke after hearing that the waffles were made by his beautiful wife, but it appears she was giving him the cold shoulder in fact she wasn't giving him eye contact. "Mmhp... that was a quick flick of a switch. Of course I made them, I woke up especially... View More
Like July 20, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*As it was my birthday, I would invite , , (If you're still there, friend), , , , and to the party. This... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Spins, wearing a shirt that read "I WILL NOT TRY TO FOALNAP THE BIRTHDAY BOY'S DAUGHTER", showed up to the party early. Aside from the shirt that probably had the opposite effect she'd intended, she had gone all-out on her appearance, going to the trouble of actually applying makeup instead of chan... View More
Like July 10, 2024
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I snap and the shirt she had on was gone.* No. That's just painting a target on your back
Like July 10, 2024 Edited
Sprouting Bulb
"But now you'll think I am tryin to foalnap your daughter," Spins complained.
Like July 10, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I raise an eyebrow.* Coming in with that shirt? Everyone would already think that you're going to.
Like July 10, 2024
*Anarchy would arrive uninvited even bringing along Dizzy Twister* Hi Sticky~ you haven't forgotten about me have you? Dizzy Twister:um... H-hello..
Like July 10, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I raise an eyebrow.* I don't believe you were invited... but welcome anyway
Like July 10, 2024
I'll try not to cause too much trouble while I'm here from what I've heard you've been through enough.
Like July 10, 2024
Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
*Jewel would be near Stickman.* Y'know, brother, I haven't seen much of any of our outside friends here this year... Could they be doing stuff?
Like July 10, 2024
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I shrug.* Hey, wherever they are, they're always friends to me. Besides, I'd rather them do their own thing than me butt into their lives. It's time I start maturing and seeing that.
Like July 10, 2024
Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
*Jewel smiles.* Y'know... I'm happy you're actually maturing.
Like July 10, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
All part of growing up, I guess, heh. *I smile.*
Like July 10, 2024
King Artemis
Yes I'm still too overburden to get to replies. No, I'm not happy about that. I'm actually kinda stressed and very, emotionally drained. Anyways, insult Artemis. Go ahead. Be as insulting as you like... View More
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Like July 8, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
But I don't wanna insult a friend... :C
Like July 8, 2024
Mr. Puzzles, The Entertainment Connoisseur
Like July 8, 2024
Silver Shield
Silver insults Artemis by giving headpats.
Like July 8, 2024
King Artemis
Toddlers are so chaotic. So much so that my brain power for replies is gone at the moment. I need motivation. Tell me a music Theme song YOU think suits Artemis. Doesn't matter what it is. I want to ... View More
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Well The first song that came to mind was House of Memories but I don't think it quite fits Arty ^^;
Like July 5, 2024
King Artemis
It's an interesting choice.
Like July 5, 2024
Like July 5, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
The Awakening from Warframe. Plays as it's combat OST while in the Zariman.
Like July 5, 2024
King Artemis
Okay yeah, I can get behind this. Very haunting and orchestral with sic beats.
Like July 5, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Very on point with the Zariman too, as it's a derilect colony ship! :P
Like July 5, 2024
Aurora Sparkle
I've got a few, some I get from Artemis, and one I could imagine for him in certain scenarios. Requiem for the King - Aviators (or listen to the entire Let There Be Fire album as in use it for Camille) Bow Down - I Prevail And finally: Thestrals Approaching - RedSpark
Like July 9, 2024
King Artemis
Not so fun fact about King Artemis you didn't ask for, but its Canon so deal with it: Artemis is incapable of nailing a high five (hoof?) on the first attempt. He's never done it proper on the first... View More
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Ice Wisp
What about low fives?
Like July 5, 2024
King Artemis
He's worse at that
Like July 5, 2024
Just do it very slow.
Like July 5, 2024
King Artemis
Then it just becomes awkward for interaction.
Like July 5, 2024
Just like missing it at the first try.
Like July 6, 2024
High five/hoof! Also what if the other person fails the high five first ?, would Arty then be able to nail it first try ?
Like July 5, 2024 Edited
King Artemis
No. The high five was still failed in the first try. Just, in that case, it wasn't Artemis
Like July 5, 2024
But 2 Negatives makes a Positive! :D
Like July 5, 2024
also What if one grabbed Artys hoof and then High fived it ?
Like July 5, 2024
Asuka Yakushi
Okay, but what if the other person is wearing one of those giant foam hands? Would he at least clip the thumb, or pinkie?
Like July 5, 2024
King Artemis
Artemis would still miss. As if an unknown force shoves his hoof away from making contact.
Like July 5, 2024
King Artemis
I'd invite you all to my cookout, allowing you to consume my homemade food and grilled BBQ. I would do that if I could, but I'm not going to.
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Well too bad, cause I got an even better spread, lol. *Shows off my 3-mile wide buffet* Hehehe
Like July 4, 2024
Golden Eclipse
Why would you get my hopes up like that :c
Like July 4, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
now i'm gonna starve :(
Like July 4, 2024
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