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Mama Chubs
on March 5, 2019
Choose me or
Your pyre
Be mine or you will burn
Dimension: 431 x 387
File Size: 152.97 Kb
21 people like this.
Sunset Shimmer
Like March 5, 2019
Knight Wolf
oh, the lyrics sounded just like when the bad guy was singing by the fire
Like March 5, 2019
Sunset, why
Like March 5, 2019
Sunset Shimmer
Why not ~?
Like March 5, 2019
One of the best disney songs. twisted as hell. GG disney, for family friendliness in the form of a song about insatiable lust and desire and sin.
Like March 5, 2019
Knight Wolf
SO it is simiar right?
Like March 5, 2019
Diamond Glint
Knight. Buddy. They really are lyrics from Notre Dam. Sunset is just yankin' your chain.
Like March 5, 2019
Princess Neon Synthwave
What's a pyre?
Like March 5, 2019
1. You can look it up. 2. It's basically a a place to send someone to burn. They tie you to it and set you on fire. Common practice for killing witches.
Like March 5, 2019
Knight Wolf
its flamable items used to burn corpses, like wood for burning a body at funeral
Like March 5, 2019
Pyre? =3
Like March 5, 2019
Uh I still won't die but'd definitely see a magical ball that is my brain and you wouldn't understand a ball of magic even if it's me.
Like March 5, 2019