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Pastel Heart
on April 1, 2019
Here p2 and b2 vets, have nostalgia. Remember me?
Dimension: 600 x 600
File Size: 145.73 Kb
5 people like this.
Ivory Charm
No, I don't. I wasn't exactly a social person there, though.
Like April 1, 2019
Cally Ber
Ah, yes, one of the <2k friends list peasants
Like April 1, 2019
I remember of course! loved your character ^^
Like April 1, 2019
Pastel Heart
Omg hiii aaaa ♡♡♡
Like April 2, 2019
Hello!~ <3
Like April 2, 2019
You were here this entire time?
Like April 2, 2019
Pastel Heart
Just got here yesterday!
Like April 2, 2019
Bring the bat pone back uwu
Like April 2, 2019