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on April 4, 2019
This is my progress on it so far, what do you think? (The little box like thing surrounding her is going to be the cage) and what should I make the ponies in front of her? Solar guards or Lunar guards? Should I have them holding weapons or at least one holding a torch? I don’t know hhhh...
Help me... give me ideas plz
Dimension: 1200 x 825
File Size: 192.77 Kb
2 people like this.
Bright Brave
Make one pony me! X3
Like April 4, 2019
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Alright. What do you wanna hold?
Like April 4, 2019
And also which one? Left right or middle?
Like April 4, 2019
Bright Brave
I wanna hold a bazooka! Jk Whichever is easier deary
Like April 4, 2019
Dr. Marina Bleu
what type of guards would be most likely to cage her? maybe lunar. also i love it : D
Like April 4, 2019
Aw thanks! And that’s true... I mean, I could do a mix kind of, with a lunar and a solar and then Bright
Like April 4, 2019
Amy Callihan
//Rather then a cage. It could just be a glass enclosure. Unless a cage is a hurdle you wish to conquer.
Like April 4, 2019
That’s true. But glass is easier to shatter~
Like April 4, 2019
Amy Callihan
//Not glass. Reinforced glass(Fiberglass). The glass that is like rock solid that you'll see at a zoo.
Like April 4, 2019 Edited
Hmm... True.
Like April 4, 2019