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Dr. Marina Bleu

Female. Lives in  Crystal Empire,  Equestria. Born on June 9, 2001
Crystal Pony Pegasus
About Me
A marine biologist specializing in conchology! Shells r life
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Into the 80s
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Cute ponies
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Pepper Snap
I would just like to say that u have such a beautiful and glamorous looking oc!! I also adore how u draw hair and eyes =‘0
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Dr. Marina Bleu
Marina had tripped and fallen onto her side, and broken her wing — literally broken, a piece of her wing was gone. You see Crystal Ponies are very fragile ponies especially if they’ve been away from t... View More
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I got you, miss. *I form my fingers into crystals, and meld them together, forming a crystal wing. I break the crystal wing off my hand and form new fingers. I would fix her up right quick.* Aaaand done.
Like February 10, 2025 Edited
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I'm made of ink. I can shift my ink into any material, including living crystal, if I need to. You doing alright now?
Like February 10, 2025
Dr. Marina Bleu
Marina is still reeling a bit but she still nods shakily, still a bit….. concerned about what just happened. “I… I think so…”
Like February 10, 2025
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Good. Let it settle for a minute so it can set in. You should have a restored wing in about... 2 minutes tops. 30 seconds at best.
Like February 10, 2025
Euphotic Breeze
"Oh, my gods!" Euphie vaulted over the bar and rushed to help Marina find her wing. "A-alright, it's okay, I, use my hoof!" She held out her hoof, made of water, to use as a magnifying glass.
Like February 10, 2025
Dr. Marina Bleu
Marina’s eyes go wide as saucers as she stares at Euphie’s watery hoof. “What’s wrong with your hoof?!” she cries out, still in distress from her missing wing piece. She peers through it anyways though, finding that it does in fact help magnify things to spot her shiny wing piece.
Like February 10, 2025
Euphotic Breeze
"Nothing, don't worry. I'm a kelpie. I'm no stranger to pulling myself back together, lightning does NOT agree with water..."
Like February 10, 2025
Oh no! Flam was right beside her! Making sure to pull out only the finest (cheapest) superglue he could offer! Getting his hooves all dirty sifting through the dirt!
Like February 10, 2025
Dr. Marina Bleu
Marina sits there, sniffling as she watches Flam get his hooves dirty. She does however notice the cheap looking superglue. “Flam…” she says slowly.
Like February 10, 2025
Her voice. it startled him. "y-yeah?" Her eyes peirced him. and his life was soon to be forfeit. hed try to cover the generic brand "BIT SAVERS CHEAP SUPERGLUE" but the bright yellow just gave it away anyways.
Like February 10, 2025
Dr. Marina Bleu
Maweena is the sassiest little crystal pony ever
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"Helllooooo nurse!"
Like February 6, 2025
You're back?!!!
Like February 6, 2025
Dr. Marina Bleu
Like February 7, 2025
Rosey Violet Pink
Nice 10/10
Like February 6, 2025
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus spun out of the ground and landed in front of the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Dr. Marina Bleu
Marina felt that there weren’t enough she’ll and sea-life enthusiasts in the world. Thus, she created the very first annual Seashell Expo!! She had a ton of booths set up in a little warehouse. She ev... View More
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Skystar, The Hippogriff Princess
*Skystar would phase into existence via T-posing* Sea shell?!
Like April 4, 2024
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Skystar, The Hippogriff Princess
Don't question logic. *She would set down the bag, which made a loud thud.*
Like April 4, 2024
Dr. Marina Bleu
Marina hesitantly accepts the bag. “Ummmm…. well…. thank you… Uh… there’s about 700 pieces in this collection soooo, I’m assuming you have some sort of magical way to be able to transport them to… wherever you came from?”
Like April 4, 2024
Skystar, The Hippogriff Princess
*Skystar would use her void powers to open a portal.* Sure do!
Like April 5, 2024
Flam being a very supporting coltfreind, made sure to host a booth there in the vendor hall for her event! He didnt know anything about shells. not one bit! But he was doing his best by selling something he advertised as a "seashell capturing and holstering device" but really it was just a bunch of... View More
Like April 5, 2024
Dr. Marina Bleu
Marina sniffles and looks up at Flam. “Flammy-wammy…” she whines. “What went wrong? I told the advertisement company to display posters all over the country! So far I’ve only had a few punks try to steal some shells. I spent so long setting this place up!”
Like April 5, 2024
He would pull out one of those uncomfy metal chairs and sit in in across from her with a think. "I have an idea!" He would say with a shout. "Let me just pull out my carriage!" He would say galloping out, then back in a couple of minutes later. "Everypony loves a good firework show- this should ... View More
Like April 5, 2024
A pegasus would walk in front of the table and look at Marina. "Excuse me, miss, is this the seashell exposition?" he asked tilting his head a bit. Sometimes, he was really bad with directions, and it was easier to ask rather than going back home with empty hooves.
Like April 5, 2024
Dr. Marina Bleu
Marina lifts her head up to see the pony who had just approached her. It takes her a few moments to realize what’s happening. “Yes!” she exclaims excitedly. “Welcome to the biggest, and only, seashell expo in all of Equestria!” she fans her wing out to reveal the warehouse that indeed had booths f... View More
Like April 5, 2024
"Um... excuse my manners but... shouldn't there be vendors on those booths...?" he asked, somewhat worried. He really needed a seashell expo nearby, but one that was totally empty wasn't the kind of expo he needed.
Like April 6, 2024
Cotton would've sat on the table in front of Marina, not because she was Interested in the expo but something just... Told her to learn about it. " Sooooo... Quite a Exhibit Ya got 'ere ?" She asked, trying her best to sound interested as to not hurt the mares feelings.
Like April 5, 2024
Flam bleps at
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Dr. Marina Bleu
Marina bleps back even HARDER
Like April 1, 2024 Edited
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Flam would blush immensely and stare into her eyes with a wistful smile. "You are such a nerd," he would laugh lightly with a warm smile
Like April 3, 2024
Dr. Marina Bleu
Marina huffs primly, tossing her mane over her shoulder. “I am NOT a nerd! I’m just….” she bats her pretty eyelashes at Flam. “…in love with you.”
Like April 3, 2024
He would bap her snoot gently. "Thats exactly what a nerd would say," he would flirt, sticking out his tongue lightly at her. "Love you too!" He would say before the ARROGANT little stallion splashed nasty pond water all over her mane! Making a break for it!
Like April 3, 2024
did a thing
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Dr. Marina Bleu
Maweena nuzzles flammy wammy and whispers in his ear, “My darling musctachio unicorn… I can’t even begin to describe how much I adore you!” she pecks his cheek!
Like February 25, 2024
"Aghsbnrkspqh???" She caught him off guard and made him super duper flustered! This was now his drivers liscence photo! All embarrassed and red from the super pretty mare!
Like February 25, 2024 Edited
Asuka Yakushi
//Commission by . Original file was too large, so I had to downsize it. During a fan meetup at a small convention area in Ponyville, Asuka was approached by a fan, and asked for a pict... View More
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this slaps
Like November 30, 2023
Dr. Marina Bleu
anypony want a commission?
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I'd love to commission you, but I'm tryin' to save moni, got 3 subscriptions i'm currently managing ;n;
Like November 20, 2023
Dr. Marina Bleu
that’s oke
Like November 20, 2023
Asuka Yakushi
Mayhaps. Do you have a pricing sheet or anything?
Like November 20, 2023
Dr. Marina Bleu
here are my prices (everything is full colour/shading with a lil simple background)/ pony headshot: $25, full body pony $35, anthro is $45. i gots examples on my profile such as my avatar
Like November 20, 2023
Asuka Yakushi
Gotcha. I'll probably shoot you a message in an hour or so.
Like November 20, 2023
Dr. Marina Bleu
oke! you can dm me here or message me on discord, my user is bijoubunny
Like November 20, 2023
Flam had asked on a date. Where else but a beach! Turns out however, Flam had no idea what he was doing with the reservations, and he brought the two of them all the way north... to ... View More
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Polo Fastter
Sheep and Sivanro are wearing suits while the Pegasus said. "We just got to make sure that the cameras are on and serve them horribly for the rest of their stay. Sheep make sure that their room has no cameras in it at least." Sheep nods before leaving the staff house as Sivanro put on a hat then pr... View More
Like September 5, 2023
Knight Wolf
Knight had a shark fin on his back and he went around scaring ponies with his fin and large teeth, when he was bored he would chew on the rubber fish which would leave quite a few floating half rubber fishes, he was also the guy that sold Flam those crappy tickets.
Like September 5, 2023
Flam breifly wonddered why that pony would be doing such horrid things to those foals and fillies. Suddenly a hoarde of them giggling and screaming would charge towards him weaving between his feet as he tried to avoid and keep his balance! Barely making it!
Like September 5, 2023
Knight Wolf
"Oh no! The mighty shark is no match for the power of tiny ponies!" he says as he pretends to die and floats harmlessly in the water "But the shark lives!" he yells and chases them again
Like September 6, 2023
Knight Wolf
Knight saw the couple and had paid a certain colt to make sure Flams water felt warm
Like September 6, 2023
Dr. Marina Bleu
Marina stands next to Flam and surveys the horrible fake beach. “I can’t… believe… they would make something like this…….” Marina says slowly, her voice wavering. “This… is…. INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!”
Like September 5, 2023
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flam would be yoinked up like a cat and YEETED onto the concrete ground, and ragdolls breifly, before his savior is all over him, with brilliant eyes! However, it seemed this was one thing the lifeguards DID catch. "You two! This is a FAMILY establishment!" they would exclaim as they were surround... View More
Like September 11, 2023
Dr. Marina Bleu
Marina passionately makes out with Flam now as the lanky teenage life guard stomps over. She then looks up and says. “Um. Wemre having a MOMENT here!”
Like September 11, 2023
The lanky teen would let out an obnoxious snort as they would push up the absurdly large glasses on their nose. "Whell Ahktually this is a public place, and rule secthun 175.80.a SPESHIFICALLY SHTATE ThahtMahking out after CPR is NOT allowed." He would let out a massive snort
Like September 14, 2023
Ghost would've... been at a actual beach, Sipping on a coconut filled with choco-milk.
Like September 5, 2023
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