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In the darkness of shadows Elizabeth drops the body of yet another dead pony, she happily licks her lips , "I suppose I should stop using illusions and disguises when I meet you Joshua, perhaps then my dear brother, you may actually fall for me," she giggles as she steps into light, "My strength seems to have been restored, I do hope you are ready brother."
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Cherry Bomb
“Hmm, I should inform rose....but I wanna see where this goes first”
April 9, 2019

Betty Yakushi
Arili stops in her tracks after hearing a light thud. As she turns to investigate she finds herself face to face with a stranger. "Oh. Um." Arili peeks behind Elizabeth into the alley for a moment, then fixes her gaze back on a Elizabeth. "I'm sorry to tell you this ma'am, but I'm not 'Joshua'." She... View More
April 9, 2019

Elizabeth turns to her, "My, what a beautiful creature, but your wings darling, the don't seem to be able to support you," she says as she begins circling the mare, "tell me darling, do you wish to stay beautiful? Do you wish for your wings to grow and carry you into the skies?" She whispers in her ... View More
April 9, 2019

Betty Yakushi
Arili takes a moment to gather her thoughts before she replies. "No. A pony's true beauty comes from within, not the outward appearance." She emboldens herself, and tugs at the sleeve of her hoodie. More specifically, an emblem that has been stitched into the sleeve. "The library has taught me many ... View More
April 9, 2019

"I see you're still causing mayhem."
The doe raises an eyebrow at the vampire, her crimson eyes taking in the latest victim. This was precisely why she didn't understand vampires, why suck a pony dry when you could kidnap them and use them as a potentially endless source of sustenance? With this sp... View More
April 9, 2019

"Death would be fun, but I also would love to see how their continued living presence will effect the poor mortals subservient to them."
The demoness giggles gleefully.
"Perhaps the days that follow will prove to be interesting enough to be worth my presence in the mortal realm." ... View More
April 9, 2019

Calamity suddenly stills as her shadow reappears.
"Well shit. I gotta run. I hope to see you around, you seem like positively wonderful company."
With that she winks and disappears.
April 9, 2019

Elizabeth listened to the two exchange words, "I wonder why the monsters of this world fear being noticed," she inquires to herself, for her, she would love to stand upon a hill of corpses and watch in glee as everyone knew it was her and thought of ways to kill her or fight her causing even more ev... View More
April 9, 2019

Bright Brave
THIS IS WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE!?!?!? What a nerd.
April 9, 2019