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Female. Lives in  Equestria. Born on April 19, 1994
Vampire Pony
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The Castle
176 Members
Obsilion and Others
Obsilion would have a gift dropped of at Elizabeth's door. A small jewelry box with a note with it. The small boxes would hold a heart shaped locket. In the locket would be a picture of Obsilion on th... View More
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The queen in all her royal glory Done by the talented sofia
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Obsilion and Others
Like February 3, 2024
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Now there is one heck of a beauty right there.
Like February 3, 2024
Gaspu. A rival. A bombshell of a competition.
Like February 3, 2024
Sh E
Like February 3, 2024
Obsilion and Others
It had been a couple of days since Fury and Slaykyu had given Elizbeth the news of Obsilion being MIA. They had both stayed with her to offer company and comfort while using a few different forms of c... View More
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Elizabeth was shocked to have seen them return but if they are back that must have meant they succeeded.. or failed given that only Sylvia and the shroud have returned "Sylvia? You've returned, does that mean you've succeeded?" she asks hopeful for some good news
Like November 30, 2023
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Obsilion and Others
"I'm sure the Vixen will see to it that the others succeed. She wants to get paid." The Shroud would say. "I pulled us out. Sylvia has gone through a lot..All of them have. She also died once and I brought her back. Funny because they were going to just leave her where they wouldn't be able to recov... View More
Like November 30, 2023
"Wait wait what? What happened?!" Elizabeth demands
Like November 30, 2023
Obsilion and Others
Both glance at her and Sylvia looks away slightly. "....It was just a bumpy mission..that's all." "Interesting answer kid~" The Shroud would say with a light smirk.
Like November 30, 2023
Obsilion and Others
(Fluff thread) Sylvia had been staying in Monros for a while. She had mostly been training and mingling with the public while Knight and Elizabeth were busy with their duties. At this time, Sylvia ... View More
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Obsilion and Others
An odd feeling would creep up on the Queen of Monros. A connection of sorts perhaps? It was like a child tugging on their mothers dress to get their attention. A tug of sorts. A spiritual tug. An enti... View More
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Elizabeth looked around for a moment, she was unsure if she just felt what she did or if she was imagining things then the knock came which took her attention off what just had happened, "You may enter," she says still a bit worried or what just happened
Like September 12, 2023 Edited
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Obsilion and Others
Upon hearing she had permission to enter, Soma, also known as Dusk, would enter the room in her physical form. She would offer Elizabeth a small smile as she stepped in and looked at her. "....Elizabeth darling....It has been quite some time since we last spoke...I do hope you've been fairing well... View More
Like September 12, 2023
She sighs," My brother captured, the world is preparing for war and Smoke is missing as well," she says looking tired, "I suppose things are not as good as they could be," she says standing up and meeting her halfway "How have you been dear?" she asks
Like September 12, 2023 Edited
Obsilion and Others
"I've been....well enough. A lot of change has come..Its seems I too have been changing in my ways...My sons are doing well...found out a secret of one of them...Then Sylvia's friend...." Soma sighs as looks at Elizabeth. "Its kinda funny you mentioned the old host..I've seemed to lose ... View More
Like September 12, 2023
Obsilion and Others
An air of darkness lingers. An aura of death sings in the darkness, almost like a subtle whisper in the back of ones mind. Strength fades. Paranoia awakens. The End is near. A paracausal energy fina... View More
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(This is in my main timeline btw, not Fate's Judgement) *I would send a message to Knight, Elizabeth, and Autumn. In it said: "I think I may have finally found a way to restore my broken Macaw dna! Th... View More
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Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
Do you really think they'll help you get the final piece, brother?
Like August 15, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
They know space as much as I do... but Knight knows deep space more than me. That final piece is out there in deep space... and I need Knight's help to get it back.
Like August 15, 2023
Skystar, The Hippogriff Princess
*Skystar would visit Elizabeth at Monros Castle. She wanted to talk with her friend. Just casually though, no business, no diplomacy, just friend to friend.* #rp
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*Onboard the HQ, my sentient reign self would be cleaning the Nataruk.* (SRS) Hmph. It should've been me on that mission. I know Stickman's made of ink and everything... but it should've been me. My o... View More
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Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
*Jewel would come to the kitchen and notice her bird version of her brother.* Do... you think he's gonna make it back?
Like July 19, 2023
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(SRS) Fate's a funny thing, Jewel. It can either smile on you... or shit on you. If my other self plays his cards right... he should be able to make it back home safe and sound. Though... the future can't be foretold... *He looks at her through his scarred eye.* we gotta write it ourselves. So it's ... View More
Like July 19, 2023
Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
So... there's a 50/50 chance he could come home safe?
Like July 19, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*He would go silent for a minute.* (SRS) ...I can't say yes or no, Jewel. He has to make the decision whether or not he makes it home safe. I hope he does make it home safe... but even life can be unexpected sometimes. *He chuckles.* At least if he dies... he'll be able to see his mother again. Or..... View More
Like July 19, 2023
Skystar, The Hippogriff Princess
*Skystar would head to Monros for her visit with . She had brought her specialized teas to brew at the castle.* Oh boy this will be fun! ( )
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