Demon bat pony
Roleplay Availability
About Me
I’m the Alternate Reality version of Rose Budd
Roleplay Universe
Alternate universe
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Company, Organization, or Institution » Education
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Public Figure
Company, Organization, or Institution » Organization
Local Business or Place » Professional Services

Nitroxus Soulspins Cherry Bomb
*Nitroxus did some backflips and a cartwheel toward the pony. When he stopped, he smiled to them. He then passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus rode on a unicycle and was juggling some bowling pins. He soon smiled to the demon bat pony. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus slid down a rope from his hot air balloon. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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the light blue unicorn filly gently poked you miss? are you a my mommy?..." the tiny filly sniffled a little bit looking around franticly she was coverd in dirt and grim and was soaked from water free... View More
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"Gee gee willikers that's an impressively obscure cutie mark. Never seen anything like it. What does it mean?"
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"......Its my name...Cherry....Bomb....its better than most cutie marks id like to think." Cherry says smirking.
September 4, 2019
"Wowie! That's so gosh darn impressive! Ah so your name is Cherry Bomb? I'm Stella Alba swirl! But everyone calls me stella for short since my whole name is quite the mouth full!"
September 4, 2019
*night rose returns to the house her and cherry share, she calls out for her* cherry, cherrrry, where are you, are you home
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*All of a sudden a sound of magic is heard, as is cherry, both from the kitchen*. Rose? Yea Im *She mutters that last word.*
*night rose hears the sound of magic and walks into the kitchen with a small smile on her face* welcome back
August 26, 2019
Sorry had some stuff to take care of....and is that a smile? My oh my you ARE warming up to me! *She giggles to Rose, not realizing she currently has her tail down and her hair frazzled*
*night rose briefly closes her eyes, revealing the scar on her right eye, she then opens them and turns towards the kitchen* i am about to take a break and have some cheese cake, would you like some to?
August 30, 2019
Now that things have settled down and returned to relatively normal, Solaris decided he needed to show some appreciation to Cherry Bomb. During his.. wooden retreat.. she kept up with his paperwork an... View More
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"Okay Canterlot Avenue your second or third favorite fourth wall breaking demon is back with MORE thats right MORE secrets to unveil about those characters my admin loves oh so much hehe but theres a ... View More
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Now you know.....He actually revealed it in a hidden blog he posted awhile back.....only a few ever read it. Talks about the lore of his AU
“Ya know I think it’s time I chilax...”. Cherry would randomly teleport a Lounge Couch to her and laid down on it “Anycreature wanna join me?” She snickers as the couch floats it way down the street
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She pounces and fucking YEETS the sofa with the demon still on it. "NOW THE COW IS THE ONE DOING THE TIPPING, HOW THE TABLES HAVE TURNEEEEEDDDD!" wow. Bitch?
April 16, 2019
//SOMEBODY MAKE THE MEME JOKE I KNOW IS GONNA BE MADE (aka floating couch *cough cough*)
April 16, 2019
“Ah yes the green bean himself heh let’s go” The couch starts floating away
"Okay I'm pissed....." Cherry stormed through the town heading to an unknown destination, fear this mare....avoid her path of destruction, or don't.
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"Consudãr Invictus!" And with that she blasted the gates to tartarus open. "Ezrial you little shit! Where are you" Ah she was looking for a fellow demon
April 10, 2019
*is carrying home a nest of ducklings, and a fox kit. The reason? Well, to the creature that doesn’t know her, but knows her species, might think she’s going to eat them, but no, she’s saving them. Both of the moms and dads of the ducklings and the kit were dead. So she’s taking them home to raise t... View More
April 10, 2019
Luckily as much as cherry wanted to yeet them she simply turned off all the lights in her path and continued on.
April 10, 2019
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I Am
Demon bat pony