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Tala Fluffytoes
on April 14, 2019
Tala's Plushie hand puppet Mr Stitches
Dimension: 1200 x 1236
File Size: 2.54 Mb
4 people like this.
Star Tracker
Very scary
Like April 14, 2019 Edited
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Star Tracker
"Well....nice to meet you than..."
Like April 14, 2019
Tala Fluffytoes
"What's your name?" *the puppet asks as Tala sits down and smiles* "That is Rainbow Dash the fastest flier" *tala explains as the Mr Stitches puts his fez back on* "Oh neato" *the puppet smiles at Tala*
Like April 14, 2019
Star Tracker
"Well...i will leave yo two be..i have things to do."(She is clearly creeped out by the puppet)
Like April 14, 2019
i love the art, it's done very well but that "pachy" oc's always look. . .. .scary to me. . . . like he has a gun in his fun pouch
Like April 14, 2019
Tala Fluffytoes
He's just well loved. I had him since I was a pup
Like April 14, 2019
Dream Vezpyre
lmfao Mr stitches gonna clap these cats with the gat.
Like April 14, 2019 Edited
Amy Callihan
"Reminds me of my Gehenna but small and cuter." She nodded.
Like April 14, 2019