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Bright Brave
on April 14, 2019
does some good art.
What you say , Dream?
Dimension: 1200 x 615
File Size: 103.54 Kb
7 people like this.
Id ship all 3 of you
Like April 14, 2019
Bright Brave
Silly dragon, its a friend'ship'
Like April 14, 2019
Dream Vezpyre
lil lotta high lmao so I was looking at this for a good minute and was like damn that bih look like my oc. Appreciate it Lula and bright + demonic t y'all the best :heart:
Like April 14, 2019 Edited
Bright Brave
I KNEW IT !!!!! 💚💚💚
Like April 14, 2019
Dream Vezpyre
Like April 14, 2019
Nightmare Moon
You 3 look so cute together
Like April 14, 2019
Bright Brave
Yes you
Like April 14, 2019
Bright Brave
I knew I liked Lula.
Like January 4, 2020