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Queen Maev Ní Ériu
on May 9, 2019
"Goodness, I hope they got my good side."
Dimension: 846 x 944
File Size: 57.41 Kb
13 people like this.
Gallant Frost
"I think it's lovely!" Gallant smiles sweetly, his blue eyes meeting the Queens.
Like May 9, 2019
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Gallant Frost
"Only being honest!" The stallion grins, glad that he had pleased her.
Like May 9, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"Kind words either way." She sticks her tongue out playfully.
Like May 9, 2019
Gallant Frost
Gallant smiles, blushing a little. "Well, glad I could make ya smile at least."
Like May 9, 2019
Lord Somber
"That would require them getting every side." He grinned. "Wasn't me flirting by the way. Just giving compliments. I'm not allowed to flirt~"
Like May 9, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"Either way, don't let Rose hear that, Prince Artemis." She grins cheekily while playfully fluttering her lashes.
Like May 9, 2019
Lord Somber
"Rose? You mean Lesa right?" He was confused before it hit him. "Ohh you are seeing some pony named Rose aren't you? Wait? You mean Rose Thorn don't you. The cutie Changeling? Not that I'm flirting."
Like May 9, 2019
Queen Maev Ní Ériu
"Yes, Miss Thorn. Her and I became close while I was here." She grins teasingly. "I know you aren't Prince Artemis, I am teasing you." She chuckles.
Like May 9, 2019
Bright Brave
Mwah mwah
Like May 9, 2019