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Vinyl Scratch
on June 21, 2019
Much like this mare, irl I had a dream to get into programming games..... But..... my school came along and crushed those damn dreams.... Now I'm stuck still living with my parents, jobless, and wanting to die.
Dimension: 1048 x 763
File Size: 54.56 Kb
3 people like this.
Dreams are like Chuck Norris. They do not die, you simply allow them to be crushed
Like June 21, 2019
Also if you want to program games, what programming languages do you know?
Like June 21, 2019
Also don't die. Thats my job
Like June 21, 2019
Dr. Marina Bleu
life is certainly difficult at points but there are always going to be alternative routes to take to get where you want to be, it’s just a matter of pursuing them.
Like June 21, 2019
Bright Brave
Rise brother. Fight. Become what you want.
Like June 21, 2019
Vinyl Scratch
Thank you all so much for the positive's.... It really helps me feel slightly better.
Like June 21, 2019