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While DJ Pon-3's coat appears white in Suited For Success due to the lighting of the scene, a layout artist on the show noted that the character model's coat color is actually a very pale yellow, specifically the 24-bit hex triplet #FEFDE7.[3] This is more clearly seen in the episodes A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2 and Magical Mystery Cure. Her coat color in the DJ Pinkie Pie game is the same, while her Playful Ponies toy is white. Her eye color is also shown in the episodes A Canterlot Wedding - ... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins Vinyl Scratch
*Nitroxus rode on a magical flying paintbrush that was making a trail of rainbow paint. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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the light blue unicorn softly walked by the village doing abit of exploreing she was carrying a map some nets a book and some goggles she softly hummed to herself as she sat under a tree pulling out a... View More
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"Ah the great DJ, Vinyl Scratch. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."
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That nightclub was awesome thank you alll sooooo much for joining!
6 people like this.
I'm very happy for all of the people who entered the nightclub, without you guys Vinyl would've been homeless, since she funded so much into that nightclub, sooo be proud of yourselves, later I will a... View More
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Dr. Marina Bleu Zero The Ermine Silver Shield Ember Rose Princess Unikitty Zaten Inkwll, Violet Petal, Nar Kazunah, these people are good rpers and I'm thankful they chose to step into the nightclub.
Unfortunately Petal does not have friends with anybody outside of Princess Corona. So I'm here as her admin to acknowledge that I saw this post and thanks for the compliment! I try my best most times.
June 22, 2019
Vinyl had taken off her glasses as she smiled at you, something seemed off, however. Her eyes were glowing and didn't have light shining through them. It was rather creepy, she breathed in and out as ... View More
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I swear teens these days and putting glowy things in their eyes...
Vinyl pounced at Lightning wishing to feeding, she was soooo hungry and her friend wasn't here to supply her with blood bags.
June 22, 2019
"You want to be sat upon? Because that's how you get sat upon."
June 22, 2019
She looked at him, and sniffed. She didn't like how he smelled, and decided to quickly dip out of there, his blood wasn't good smelling at all.
June 22, 2019
she tapped the ground while in pain drawing the number four and then years, as she pointed to herself, she froze and fell to the ground, the hunger pain got so intense it made her black out.
June 22, 2019
She looked at him, as she tried hard not to blush from being touched in general. She couldn't voice a complaint either because she was mute, she just decided to stand completely still.
June 22, 2019
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