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on July 25, 2019
Here, have what I've drawn so far at camp
And its so fucking foggy out today, I almost couldn't see the path as I walking down it
Dimension: 1200 x 517
File Size: 255.02 Kb
4 people like this.
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Dolly is so adorable
Like July 25, 2019
Like July 25, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
*Wants to hug and pet Dolly forever while Maishi is on my shoulders for some reason*
Like July 25, 2019
Princess Neon Synthwave
I like the sketch of Hymn
Like July 25, 2019
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She's kinda dying in that though Oof
Like July 25, 2019
Princess Neon Synthwave
Now I feel bad
Like July 25, 2019
Oof, its just hard to tell because it's on the paper
Like July 25, 2019
Goshflippingdangit, I just realized she's as big as her dad in this picture, when she's supposed to be smaller >:c
Like July 26, 2019